November 21, 2007

no one wants to work the day before thanksgiving

it's like.....

putting on cheap perfume and licking your wrist
walking behind an old lady in smelly floral perfume with your mouth open
eating toliet cleanser
eating a spicy, dead flower
licking the inside of your grandma's purse

i will have photos of people trying to eat these horrible little mints as well as sea monkey pics later on.
i have spent the entire day taking photos and muttering outloud about......."that damn T! she doesn't think these sea-monkeys are real.....i'll show her!!! her and her damn turtle necks, and gmail, and her, her, her living out of town and working some job making fake legs.....i'll show her how HUGE these damn sea-monkeys are! i swear to god, i'll buy a $3,000 fancy digital camera with microscopic macro lens just to prove her wrong! i ain't sitting around looking at bubbles for cripe's sake!!! well, i may have done that in the past, but not this time!!!!"


glittermom said...

We all have our doubts as to the wherabouts of these elusive Sea Monkeys...You may have those folks at work fooled but we are too smart for your tom foolery...

copaX said...

umm....yeah....those are some of the worst similes I've ever heard in my entire life. Seriously. I think if we went back in time, got a neanderthal man that's never even heard of the concept of an simile, he would do a better job of coming up with some.


Sorry, I'm suffering from the pre-thanksgiving day, bored-out-of-my-ever-loving-mind blues.

No..really, that sucked

Mojito Libre said...

The similes suck because those were the actual reactions that spewed out after tasting them. Nothing good comes from eating them. Other reactions are that they taste like lavendar Avon soap cakes and like someone sprayed Glade in your mouth. Also, they taste like ass.

Nomy said...
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Nomy said...

(small>that post was deleted cuz i forgot how to do the html!)

Um, I think I love Mojito. JT, why must you badger folks with fowl-tasting candies?

As to the other thing, those "sea monkeys" you have:


Nomy said...



LJ is for losers. even a sea-monkey could get HTML to work on a blog!

Nomy said...



glittermom said...

I wonder how someone would know how Avon Lavender Soap Cakes taste unless there was a tasting of them...Hmmm...Did they look eatable and tasty?

Mojito Libre said...

Glittergirl doesn't cry enough to use LJ. It's too EMO for her.

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm a dork, but are those similes for "working the day before thanksgiving" or Chow-hards mints (whatever they're called)???

They all have to do with taste so now I'm thinking the latter, but maybe you meant both, and maybe I'm just up too late.

Oh, and I see I'm probably wrong about the mysterious T person (see my comment on other post) OK, I feel stupid and this is why I hate blogs. :-p

blueyonderchild said...
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Anonymous said...

By the way, I liked your similes. Gave me the chuckles. :)

--E (more mysterious now)


the lovely & mysterious E,

don't ever feel stupid on the blog! my gosh, i make all kinds of mistakes! and as much as we all like to tease and torture each other, it's all in good fun!

i need to do a blog about T (otherwise known as "nomy" in comments or "fragment girl" on her live journal.) she's the only person i hit the SHIFT key for to make a cap!