March 2, 2007

random and exhausted post...

why do the images i post keep losing their links? i suppose i need to start saving stuff to my desktop or photobucket. i never heard back from the mean lady who threatened to "contact authorities" because i had a pic of her and her dog on here.

i think there should be a rule at work: no heating up fish in the microwave at work. it stinks up the whole place! someone heated up some kind of fish & curry meal and it smelled like death.

i have been feeling sick since last week. sinus problems keep coming back and my back is in pain. i think until i have a few days away from work, i am going to keep feeling like crap. ok, whining about work is done for now.

"coal miner's daughter" was on last night. one of my favorite movies and levon helm (from the band) plays loretta's dad! go look it all up on wikipedia, i am too tired to make links.

others have been better about blogging lately. my mom and sis updated recently, and lisa ann has a ton of great pics up. dan's blog has about 13 comments going, all on his favorite pen.

also, my mom mentioned daylight savings time coming up. i know i blogged about it last year. i hate the "spring forward" daylight savings crap! i think i'll keep all my clocks on the current setting and just pretend it's not happening.

i still love the show "30 rock" on NBC and sarah silverman is my hero. just go to wikiquote and read some of the stuff from 30 rock. here's your damn link.

and now for a random pic. here's the news story. it's a japanese robot serving tea. creepy...

ok, maybe my blogging will improve after a weekend off. no work this saturday. woo hoo!


duchessdoright said...

Oh yeah, I remember the office scene. John Hardiman and his damn fried fish that used to just about make me vomit. Now I have to deal with the apartment hallway scene. I'm pretty sure we have someone from every country living in here & sometimes when I walk the halls the odor of fish makes me gag.

I say down with fish & up with vegetables.

Anonymous said...

There's a book that you have to read the cubicle survival guide or something equivalent to that. I have a long list of people who want to borrow it. So I might end up buying a few copies and handing them out in fear that I'll never see it again.