November 10, 2006

random stuff, running on fumes......

heather mills seems koo koo and this old broad paula dean is on every magazine cover and she has crazy eyes. and i think i have found an exmaple of the worst valentine EVER. i can't even remember what image i was searching for on google when i came acroos this monstrosity. but it's good!

i worked a 14 hour daty yesterday. left the house at 7:30am and was home around 11:30pm. my brain is mush and i've decied to keep all the typos in this post. so once i type it, it stays!

anyways, i was stuck at work, downtown til almost 11pm. and the thing i keep thinking is, "why are we doing this? it's not a hospital! no one's life is in jeopardy, so why am i in this downtown office building at 10pm on a hutraday night?" (hutraday=thursday btw... ) and how do you think my quality of work is going to be today, after a 14 hour day yesterday and only a few hours sleep? look at these typos for god's asake!!!!!!! (he he he...) dan's been going through his own crazy hours and work stress as well. i told him to go work at the new fancy's arby's down the street. we could have the free jalepono poppers and rotten fruit dip we could eat! and maybe i'll realize my dream to be a stay-at-home mom, without the kids...

also, someone please buy me this dog.


Anonymous said...

update: we not only are not allowed to leave a little early today, but have to come in to work tomorrow (saturday.) as my mom said, my boss is a "bust tard"!


glittermom said...

We do need that DOG!!!

duchessdoright said...

It's called capitalism baby. There is a hoarde of unemployed hovering and waiting to possibly take your job. This spectre keeps us all working like dogs. Rather than spread the employment to more people capitalism is predicated on exploiting the employed by brandishing the threat of banishing them to the category of unemployed. It's a horrible system.

Though I do like to go shopping. And I want that dog too!

glittermom said...

that Paula Dean was in cleve this weekend at the convention ctr for some cooking show...she has a couple shows on tv...shes one of those southern gals who cooks everything in butter I think....good old southern cooking...lots of grease and grit...

Primordial Dork said...

No, Moneybags, you buy ME that pug puppy!

Anonymous said...

First: Heather Mills is crazier than a bucket of bat shit and I'd like to break off her other leg and beat her to deathwith it.

Second: Paul Deen kicks ass. She's a crazy old southern lady who overcame agoraphobia on her own, started a brownbag lunch truck business which she has turned into a multi-million dollar career. She even got to be in that Elizabethtown movie with creepy Orlando Bloom. And she laughs like Witchiepoo from HR Puffinstuff. I like her.

Third: You need to find a nice job here in Mentor so we can play together at lunchtime. Maybe at Macy's. We can meet in the food court for lunch and you can get me purses with your employee discount.

And Finally: I'm NOT buying you another dog - one crazy, freaked out dog with a Lone Ranger mask is quite enough. So just put it out of your sweet little punkin' head.