November 14, 2006

home sick....

i am home sick from work today. my stomach is killing me and IBS acting up. it's so embarassing calling your boss and trying to explain why you're not coming in when it's "bathroom problems". hell, it's embarssing to blog about! i think my current abdominal distress is due to the stingray i encountered over the weekend.....
so here's where i am today, my home. i have been called a homebody my whole life. even as a child, my mom has to force me out of my bedroom sanctuary. "go outside! get some fresh air and play with the other kids!" but i wanted to stay in my bedroom, with my cat and my books and stereo. nothing has changed! i am taking this day to just play hookey, take some tummy medicine and hang with the dogs.

"When I speak of home, I speak of the place where -- in default of a better -- those I love are gathered together; and if that place were a gypsy's tent, or a barn, I should call it by the same good name notwithstanding." -Charles Dickens

ok, i forgot how bad daytime tv is. i am watching ET and they are doing back to back stories on: "the anorexic british twins, interviewed by tracy gold, former anorexic!!! and then, an ET reporter puts on a fat suit, goes on the subway and cries!!!" UGH!

and finally, groundcat discovered the most beautiful video on youtube. i was going to take credit for finding out about joanna newsome, but i guess i'll give him his due. she's weird and magical!

1 comment:

duchessdoright said...

Ah, how I love Charles Dickens! Good quotation.

Maybe we should dress Oliver Twist up in a fat suit and send him to private school and see how he fares. "Please, sir, can I have some more?"