October 11, 2006

another UC Freak guest blog (cuz i'm too boring)

I just got a chair massage at work- (thanks big corporation!!!) Love it. They have these cute little grab items which are thoughts for a healthier mind. I picked one at random, so fate would tell me what I need. Mine said "Ask for what you want". Astounding. I really looked at it for a minute. How simple. And straightforward. And something I would never think myself. Now, I am not a flaming idiot or a simpleton of any nature, but I think sometimes we are programmed to be too diplomatic and PC, to the point we really get away from our true selves. If I want something, no one will read my mind. There is no one whose job it is to make sure I have what I want or need. That stopped years ago. So, I better get on the ball and tell people what I want, or not get frustrated when I do not get it.

Another thought, I think people have such an awakening turning 40, not because of the actual number it represents, but because the 30's seem to slip by. I realized the other day I am 36 years old. Now some people will say this is young, while others may see me as old. I see me as surprised. I swear I just turned 32. Not sure why exactly that age, but that seems to be about where I am. Time flies by. My mom always used to say it, but I never believed it as a child. Sometimes it seems like time is slipping away and there are things I want to do, that I am not getting done. Other times, it seems like I have so many years to accomplish my goals. It seems like there is never time to just breathe. I am very busy, but I don't get to do everything I want. I guess it is time to cut out the filler. If I don't love it, why bother? It's my life, and I only get 1. Why put off being happy, or doing what I truly want to do?

(also,here's a poem UC freak wrote about me on groundcat's blog comments....)

Anally retentive, that's my girl,
Analyzing little witch, that's my girl,
She cannot be left in the dark
I explain that it wasn't a lark
Inquisitive little GG, that's my girl.

Sometimes things are just beautiful because they are.


glittermom said...

Yes that about sums of GG....a real nib nose...Hey maybe you should just turn your blog over to uc...She seems to know what to talk about...Doesn't have to put on you tube videos to pacify her loyal readers.


um, mom.....you haven't updated your blog in ages, so SHUT YER HOLE!!!!!!!

glittermom said...

If you remember I didn't even have a blog until some nitwit made me one...and now you expect me to post my inner most thoughts...well as soon as I have one I will...You just need to get yourself some business as Jennette would say...