August 2, 2006

i am IRON MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(that's me concentrating on playing black sabbath on the bass)

(that's me laughing cuz dan said i looked like a go-go!)

the bass guitar is so much fun! and yes, i am a geek. but after "iron man" i'm gonna learn all kinds of bad ass bass guitar lines, like stuff from metallica and korn. and deep purple!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why were you all dressed up? Were you preforming for a live audience? All I saw was a dog with his mouth open and his tongue hanging out.Oh I get it, the dog was your accomplice....

Anonymous said...

to counteract my meaness I do have to say you look very happy...Like someone just gave you a candy bar..

Primordial Dork said...


You look like a member of Weezer.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! i really do look like a member of weezer!!!!

yes, i am so much more nerd rock like weezer then sabbath or korn. i fully admit to that.


Anonymous said...

You are so cute in your 80's nerdy/cool clothes. I love your take on conservativism. Although, I think those shoes do need tights or socks or something. Your feet must be stinky. What is this boy doing to you? Got you looking like a quasi-normal girl. Wonders never cease.
How about for your next song, something by Dolly Parton? Or religious... Or porn music.
Anyway, did you ever read any book by Douglas Adams, as you were supposed to? I take it from your silence that is a no. DTM

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't your mom have a blog??


uc freak- my mom does not need a blog! no way!!!! she's busy enough just making her little comments on everyone else's blogs.

and my feet don't stink.

Anonymous said...

You need one of those flat hats and you can be the new Estaban! Carumba!

Whitey said...