July 28, 2006

"the usual"

well, it finally happened today. the girl at the downtown starbucks asked me if i wanted my "usual". she confirmed my usual as; "an iced venti quad latte, nonfat w/sugar free vanilla". i almost wept from pure joy!!!! "yes, that's my usual!!! thank you kind coffee lady....... "

i've always wanted a usual. maybe it's from all the television i watched as a kid. i know the regular's at mel's diner on "alice" all had usuals. so now i guess i'm a regular with a usual!!!

the only problem with this is that i am spending over $4 a day on fancy coffee, and now that i have a usual, i am tempted to go back for my afternoon caffeine pick-me-up!


Anonymous said...

WOW! a "usual"...that makes you feel special.....I wish I had a "usual"

Anonymous said...

More like an "irregular" with an "unusual," I'd reckon.

tlm said...

I'm proud to say I've never set foot in a Starbucks. Do Starbucks regulars really do the half double decaf half-calf thing, like in LA Story?

Anonymous said...

Wow, i used to have the "usual" at my bar. One 24 oz Killians and 2 shots of Southern Comfort with splashes of lime juice. Somehow, thinking about that gives me a headache...

duchessdoright said...

having a "usual" is a sign that you have a problem... do all the regulars shout, "norm!" when you walk in? you might want to take the quiz to see if you are addicted to starbucks. too bad i don't know of one.

copaX said...

The first step is admitting you have a problem. Wait, you never admit you have a problem....yeah, you're f'ed. my bad.