July 21, 2006

stanhope in 08- drunk with power!!!

stanhope's website (if you don't have myspace)

stanhope's myspace page for the presidential campaign

i take this seriously. i know he's a comedian, but i really like his ideas about personal freedom. go this link to take a quiz and see where you fall politically. i fall completely into the libertarian catagory.

if you're too lazy to click the links, here's stanhope's official announcment:

"I've decided to run for the nomination of the Libertarian Party. (www.lp.org) Yes, I am very serious. Most of us know how completely screwed the system has become. Yet we shrug it off as something to deeply rooted to change. I'm tired of accepting what we have as the best we can do and yelling about it in barrooms and comedy clubs isn't going to force anyone's hand.

That is why I have decided to run for the office. If this country can buy Jesus and American Idol, I think we can sell them actual freedom and self-determination.

The campaign will focus on individual freedom, self-government and making America fun again. And this campaign, if goes as planned, will wreak an adreneline-fueled havoc across the land.

This planet belongs to you as much as it does anyone. It is your choice - not any government - to decide how you will live.

This is - at the moment - the most powerful country in the world which makes inexcusable the fact we have become so oppresive and boring at the same time.

I may not be the best possible candidate but I am the best one willing to run. Jump on the bandwagon. Win or lose, we are going to have a fantastic, bizarre and screaming ride towards the White House.

Please subscribe to the myspace blog for updates. You will be highly amused and hopefully greatly inspired between now and November, 2008."

i also recommend searching youtube for his version of the aristocrats, which is not only filthy and vile, but he tells it to a baby! ah hell, here's the link for that!


duchessdoright said...

Ha! My mom is a Libertarian from way back. I always knew you were like my mom.

duchessdoright said...


The political description that
fits you best is...


LIBERALS usually embrace freedom of choice in personal matters, but tend to support significant government control of the economy. They generally support a government-funded "safety net"
to help the disadvantaged, and advocate strict regulation of business. Liberals tend to favor environmental regulations,defend civil liberties and free expression, support government action to promote equality, and tolerate diverse lifestyles.

Your PERSONAL issues Score is 80%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 40%.

HA! I guess my dad is right. I AM a LIBERAL! And damn proud of it!

tlm said...

Yeah, I'd say that test works pretty well. (20 personal, 90 economic)

Very pleased to hear you're a Libertarian, glittergirl! Have you looked into the Free State Project yet? It's a great idea really. I'm sure Stanhope would support it.


i came out 90 personal and 90 economics. total libertarian!

Anonymous said...

I took a more detailed quiz at OkCupid and it also pegged me as a libertarian, though very close to centrist.

The cool thing about this test is that it has tabs where you can see where you fall within political ideals, famous people, and the 2004 elections.

Hey, as long as I don't have to vote for Ralph Nader in '08... Whoever the Republicans put up probably won't be my bag, and whoever the Democrats put up will gross me out, so who is left? Might as well start moving in a new direction.

Primordial Dork said...

I'm a little red dot on the liberal/centrist line. Had there been a death penalty question, I imagine I would have been pushed right over into Centristland....

Anonymous said...

Why does no one use the proper "to" in writing any more? Huh?! My absolute top, number 1 pet peeve EVER. Maybe he should hook up with National Spelling Bee champ Dan Quayle as his running mate...po-ta-toe...po-tah-tow...to...too...two...ugh.