July 24, 2006

dear tooth fairy........
i fucking hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so yeah, i've got a toothache....and i realize how much i HATE going to the dentist. i mean, no one likes it (unless they are sickies...) but i'd rather have another colonoscopy, with no demerol and have it filmed for dateline NBC!!!!
what one of my bestest friends has helped me realize is that i have "dental anxiety". i never thought there was such a term, or a website to help! i've been terrified of the dentist since i was a kid, and as an adult i see that i can take a little control of the situation and let them know ahead of time that i am a nervous wreck!


Primordial Dork said...

Okay jetty, you ain't gonna like it but I always thought of dental phobia as a luxury of the middle class. I understand the fear, say maybe you had a green kitchen/crayons in the woodbin type of experience once....

But. My parents were the dirt poor dentistry optional types, and it's only when you're ten and have a terrible abcess that going to the dentist seems like a fun time because it presents a solution. So yeah, I like the dentist. I still have dreams that all my teeth are falling out, and the dream journals all say that's a sign of pregnancy, but I say it means I'm afraid of all my teeth falling out!


ah sds, i do see your point. i'd prefer my asshole childhood dentist to none at all, for sure.

also, i think my childhood dental experiences were not the norm. i had an intimidating dentist, not "kid friendly" in the least. not only did he bark orders and lie to me ("jennifer, look up at the ceiling light, and you'll see a disney movie!") he also smacked me on more then one occasion.

going to the dentist, after reading up on dental anxiety, was so different. i was able to talk about it with the hygenist. and i was able to remind myself, "you're not a little kid. you're a grown-up and can ask them not to do something, or to take a break."

plus they loaded me up with vanilla scented laughing gas. whoopie!!!!!!!

Primordial Dork said...

Jennifer, that's terrible!

I do hereby give you your street cred back.

Henry loves the dentist. they gave him strawberry laughing gas and a red rubber gas mask to keep that looks like a human heart. It smells like Froot Loops, and he and Ana fight over who gets to sniff it.

I'm such a good mother- the best toy in the house is the anasthesia mask!

Primordial Dork said...

PS remember when we went to get fake mall nails and the Korean lady kept hitting me with a big emery block because I didn't know the routine?

Ah. Good Times.

Anonymous said...


I don't remember his name but did you go to the dentist on Vine st.-they had to sedate me to get me to go to him- some pediatric dentist! by the way, when are you coming to visit me????