April 17, 2006

jennette has taken the craziest pic of hank yet. i swear she could have her own gallery show! "the disturbing life of mean, fat hank...." she's got more pics on her blog from the weekend festivities. this pic is the worst EVER!


michie said...

Is that for real??? That cat looks like he's gonna rip someone's head off! I'd be puttin' the lil' guy down ASAP...

Anonymous said...

I think Hanks name should be changed to Big Mac!


hank's a mean mofo, but i'm not going to put him down just yet....as mom my says, "he just has a bad face". but he's a big sweetie. just don't pick him up!

hank is a lot like cartman on southpark. you know cartman would be just as pissed if some dude tried to pick him up!

Anonymous said...

Well, Hank the Tank is definitely NOT just big boned. A little too much chicken pot pie, Kittie.