March 26, 2006

i wish i could get this little video to play. this kid is flippin' out, hardcore!

ok, it's been a fun weekend with the new roomie and a mary kaye party. of course he refused to participate in getting a facial. too bad he missed out on "satin hands"! i will post some pics over on my photo blog.

p.s. i added 2 new blogs to the "friends" list. lobster boy (who has comment here on my blog before) and waffle ass (an old pal and his friends who write some great stuff about politics, music, etc...) enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Where's my cookie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am proud to be added to the glittergirl peeps & homies list, much thanks. This should increase the readership of my blog from five or six to about seven or eight!

"From small things big things one day come." --Bruce Springsteen, via Dave Edmunds

Anonymous said...

They tried hard to get me to get a facial but i'll leave that to the porn stars...


thanks a lot ya jackass! now i get to explain that to my mom and non-pervert friends!

i was wondering why you grimaced when i asked if you wanted a facial. i should have known!

Primordial Dork said...

OH F*&^$ Jennifer! Now you have officially depressed me because I think at one point I actuallY owned that same frickin' shirt!

The worst part was that two of the flowers centered right over the nips and had buttons right in the center. Not a good look for a fat chick.

Anonymous said...

somebodys going to need a new couch...


oh stacy, i bet you had that shirt sometime around the early 90's, from walmart. ah ha ha ha!!!

mom- i read your comment at work and laughed so hard!