February 7, 2006

my boss has been picking on me extra bad the last few days. he finally admitted he was "making up for last week", when he left me alone because he had a cold and was too sick to torture me. he said harassing me is so much fun, that i am like his "walking, talking, stress release squeezy ball." then he picked up his stress ball, threw at my head, and giggled like a lunatic.

later, when i ran into him in the kitchen getting coffee, i pretended to try to hug him. he screamed and ran!

touche crazy evil boss man!!!!! touche!!!!!

quote of the day: penn jillette, "believing there is no god gives me more room for belief in family, people, love, truth, beauty, sex, jell-o ..."


Anonymous said...

The perfect boss for you!

Anonymous said...

Shawn's da' man!