January 4, 2006

be careful what you google for......

i was thinking today how i am the only remaining "charlton" in our family. i got bored at work so i did a google image search for charlton. i knew i'd find tons of stuff for the UK football team (charlton til i die!) then i found an odd pic with the link below:


it's a really bizarre website created by an indian woman. the graphics are.....bad. the photo shopping on photos is disturbing as hell. the whole is just.....creepy. appropriate for a "charlton" i guess....

still bored, i decided to look up st. dymphna, patron saint of the mentally ill. years ago i found this medal at a thrift shop and was fascinated. dymphna sits on a throne with a demon lurking behind her. neat-o!

her story is rather interesting and bizarre. enjoy!!! http://www.wku.edu/~sally.kuhlenschmidt/whimsy/dymphna.htm

what else to report? just having a great time lately. hanging out with a fun boy, seeing old friends, etc... the other night mag's made steak for dinner and we hung out while she cooked and played me the new jason mraz CD (which i LOVE.) seeing her sing and dance around the kitchen to "the geek in pink" was so funny! everyday i realize how lucky i am to have such an amazing group of friends.

oh, i am working with a friend's husband on drawing up a living will (otherwise known as "pull the plug, dammit!) i loved my first stained glass class and am excited to design my first project. i am leaning towards some kind of abstract of a flaming heart. also, i have been off anti-depressants for over a month now, and even managed to ween myself off coffee. shocking! the owner of arabica was visibly shaken when i ordered a large earl grey with lemon and honey. looks like my espresso habit won't be putting his kids through college after all!

ok, i guess that's it for my total random and rambling post. ciao!!!!!


Anonymous said...

all your friends blogs suck...no one posts anymore.....I need something to read....and Jennette is way too busy to post her daily pictures.....Miss movie-aholic.....maybe you all have a life but I don't, I need to hear about yours....

Anonymous said...

and just so you know, in case you haven't noticed on Jennifers profile she listed "The Lonely Bones" as one of her favorite books...I believe she meant "The Lovely Bones" Just a little correction...


ok mommie dearest, how about i set YOU up with your very own blog????

Anonymous said...

How about if I beat you with a wire hanger!!!!

Anonymous said...

She must be a relative. You have the same eyes.