September 1, 2005

i can't stand to listen to dumb white middle class americans talk about the hurricane. they think the people were stupid for staying. not stupid, just poor! most don't have cars or money for hotels. most lived with all family members in 1 house and didn't want to leave the sick or elderly. jesus, no one stayed for fun!!!

people watch the news and see mostly black faces, and can't relate. they see them as "others". but anybody who has been broke and struggled to pay rent can see themselves in those faces. those of us without savings accounts understand, because we couldn't have picked up and moved into a hotel. and what about the pets? i wouldn't want to leave the dogs and cats behind.

and now we will have about 100,000 refugees in this country. 20,000 people living in stadiums for months. right now there are 30,000 in that stadium in new orleans with no fresh water since monday. just raw sewage and 95 degree heat. people inside are starting to die.

and the looting. people are saying how greedy it is to steal a tv. they can tolerate looting for food, but can't understand a tv or jewlery. the fact is, these people are going on day 4 with no food, water, plumbing or electricity. dead bodies floating in the water. they are terrified and desperate and grabbing whatever they can. how is that hard to understand???

"These are good people. These are just scared people"


Primordial Dork said...

I agree, also that sitting with our fatasses in a chair debating whether it is okay to steal Pop Tarts but not a radio is also really really stoopid.


i caught the tail-end of bill o'reilly last night. i literally wanted to jump through the screen and strangle him. so fucking pompous.... he was explaing why it's acceptable to him for someone to steal diapers, food or water, but not a candy bar. WTF? people have lost literally everything, material and otherwise, and he wants to make that judgement?

people at this point are in abject terror. it's worse then a war zone and no one is getting them help fast enough. they will do anything they can do to survive, even if we can't understand.

people like bill o'reilly are the same ones who say the holocaust couldn't happen today. that the world would stop it sooner then they did in the 40's. but look at rawanda....and now look at our own country....


btw- i know the holocaust was WAY worse. i was just making the analogy that people tend to ignore these huge disasters, or try and blame the victims.