March 2, 2008

mom, i'm not feelin' so good.....

i've got a wicked fever and i feel all funny, mom. can i stay home from school today???

i'm still sick. fever, chest gunk, aches, sneezing. blah. besides chicken soup & oj, the cure is tea w/buckwheat honey and buttered toast. ok now on to the random!!!!

per wiki, jennifer was the single most popular name for American girls from 1970 to 1984. way to go mom!!!

here's my senior pic that features my newly bleached hairdo. it was my senior year "punk rock" phase and i used to put blue streaks in it. at least i didn't have "nail dots"......i was also a band geek for all of junior high through high school. i played softball for a few summers (and sucked) and was a cheerleaders for a few falls (and sucked even worse.) but i was a talented french horn player, altonium marching band player, jazz keyboardist and all kinds of band geek stuff!

here's glittermom's senior pic. playing with photoshop while under the influence of herbal tea and honey produces some interesting results!

jennette was too much of a bad ass to have senior pics taken, so here are her much loved pre-school pics. i still can't look at them without laughing!

random jennette fact: she still has the same face!

random jennette fact: my mom asked me to take some "nice photos" of jennette in lieu of formal senior pics. it started out ok, until i tried to get her to put a little lipstick. it ended with her in tears and no lipstick. i did get a few good shots of her that day, but can't find any of the originals. maybe glittermom has them somewhere....


  1. NO you may not stay home from school.......

  2. whatever. don't make me do worse things with photoshop!

  3. Feel better...

    I don't like your new job cause you're never online :(

  4. Anonymous8:20 AM

    DUUUDE! I hope you feel better soon. That sucks!

    I was a band geek too! I played flute so, of course, the whole "One time at band camp..." crap is always coming out of some ass when they find out.

    Eat some soup, stay in's colder here right now than in Ohio (if that makes you feel better)

  5. Oh, hey, I L-O-V-E the close up of crabby Jennette. Ana makes that same face, I swear to god, ususally after she has been caught in Henry's room touching his things. She yells at us and stomps around as though she were not the one in trouble.
