March 3, 2008

let's start with something nice, and then go downhill from there!

see, i can make pretty pics with photoshop!

but usually, that's not my m.o. i really should not be allowed to have access to photoshop, especially when i am sick and running a fever.....

(this pic makes me giggle.....)

i have been on the couch all day. i never thought it would be possible to sleep this much. it seems as if i have a classic case of influenza, the flu. it's kicking my ass, as you can see from the pics below:

left to's what poor groundcat saw when he left this morning. (of course i asked him to snap a pic, something suitable for framing....) there's griffin in bed, looking worried about me. (dan wasn't able to grab the camera quick enough to get a shot of griffin as he climbed up on the bed over my back! he actually stood on my back for a moment, i guess surveying the lay of the land from up so high.)

and finally, go watch groundcat's latest youtube video. he's rockin' out on the drums and the iMac movie program! (go watch the video or i'll embed it and then you'll be bitching about how slow my blog runs.)

ok, back to the couch.


  1. why is your face the same color as that red (sleezy) satin comforter??Some people pay good money for someone to walk on their back...

  2. that video is going to give me nightmares....

  3. it's not a red "sleazy" comforter, ya nut! it's a thermal sleeping bag, one we got for camping, duh!!!

  4. looks like satin to me...and monkey sheets...nice combo
