March 1, 2008

yo, i'm sick.

i've caught a nasty flu bug that's been going around work. coughing, chills, ear aches, sore throat and a fever. it's a real doozy. i slept for 12 hours last night and woke up more exhausted and sore then ever. i got nothin' funny or snarky to say about it, that's how bad it is! :)

just saw a CNN report showing a map of the country, all in bright red except FL. apparently the flu is widespread, except FL. i guess even the flu hates florida.

ok, time for soup!


  1. Probably because most people in florida get the flu shot...

  2. No, because Jennifer does not wash her hands after peeing.
    And that's all I have yo say about that.

  3. hand washing nazi. (LOL!)

    i've built up tons of immunity from working at gross group homes and homeless shelters. and i do NOT use that anti-bacterial crap.

    and i do actually wash my hands after i use the bathroom, especially at work where there are so many people coming to work sick, i feel like i'm on a TB ward.

    this flu bug going around at work is nasty. i just found out 3 people who sit by me are all home sick as dogs, including the dumbass who came to work when they were still obviously sick.

    time for tea and toast now! :)
