February 29, 2008

some good links....

the worst news story i've heard in ages.

a really good blog with cleveland area food reviews (and funny too..)

we're going here in june!!! (dan's flying out for work stuff and i am tagging along for fun.) i wanna check out this and this and definitly these guys. and dinner here will be a must since i've been to the one in NYC. i would go back just for the wasabi mashed potatoes!!!

fat birds

i'm about to upload some great snow & ice pics to my photo blog, as well as more pics of the big fat robins we saw perched in the tree outside of our office. they looked like big round globes with feathers!

i came to a very important revelation yesterday: i do not like sushi. i've tried eating it over the years, and have sometimes not hated it, but it's been forced. yesterday i got some sushi from wild oats (or is it called whole oats? or wild boats???) anyways, i got fresh sushi from the hippie grocery, and hated it. BCT tried a piece and proclaimed it to be good. it finally hit me, that no matter how hard i try, i just don't like sushi. i've come to terms with this, and hope everyone else in my life can accept this. maybe monica robins will want to come do an interview with me about this stunning revelation! (click the sushi link above....it's totally worth your time!)

random jennette fact: she's a smart ass. see above left for proof.

now it's time for lots of random pics, including some ducks we saw sleeping in the snow, griffin playing with my crazy expensive MBT shoe, dan looking crabby, my bad nail job. you know, the usual........

February 27, 2008

recent keywords & lessons learned....

(fyi- clowns are creepy and scary, still!)

i am loving the stat counter on my blog, mainly for the keyword searches that folks do on the google to end up at my blog. here's an updated list:

9 16.67% kenny tarmac
7 12.96% tracy trailmix
4 7.41% kenny tarmac youtube
3 5.56% glittergirl and the city
2 3.70% porkchop bubblegum
2 3.70% kenny tarmac quotes
1 1.85% esfj intp attraction
1 1.85% glitter girl pictures
1 1.85% kenny tarmac we just landed at atl
1 1.85% shocking video
1 1.85% lonesome jim the myth of sisyphus
1 1.85% morningstar bacon stomach ache
1 1.85% broke up with my esfj
1 1.85% supercalifragi
1 1.85% sea monkeys doctor diploma
1 1.85% what is under bret michaels scarf
1 1.85% roger and jenette mcdonalds blog
1 1.85% esfj attracted to
1 1.85% kenny tarmac video
1 1.85% tracy trailmix porn
1 1.85%
pomogranete fruit
1 1.85% kenny tarmac clips bob and tom
1 1.85% kenny tarmac just landed video
1 1.85%
bossy girl photo gallery
1 1.85% lawrencium slogans
1 1.85% glitter girl and boys pictures
1 1.85% landau calrisian
1 1.85% jumbo's clown icelandic
1 1.85% glitter girl in the city
1 1.85% hidemy
1 1.85% shocking video
1 1.85% anasthesia-mask
1 1.85% cosmo's 10 va jay jay facts

the stats also show what parts of the world people coming to my blog are from, and i'm wondering who the heck in reston, virginia is reading this blog every day!

important lessons learned:

don't wear chuck taylors in the snow (even if they are cute as hell and pink.) they are not good in slush!

do not photograph your matzo ball soup at lunch in front of coworkers (including your new boss.) they will think it's weird. and most certainly don't follow that up with taking a pic of your giant rueben sandwich (even if it tasted great and was 1/2 a mile high!!!)

do not trick your boyfriend into think you are really eating radioactive candy. he will not think it's funny, especially if you try to film the expression on his face and post it to youtube.

your dog will think it's funny if you post video of him listening to someone talk to you on your cell phone.

my badass parents....

mom lookin' pissed by some kick ass car in 1963...

me and dad in the camper eatin' cookies in 1974 (the wonderful pre-jennette years...he he he...)

dad in the late 50's looking crabby at some picnic......

my mom was sort of a dusty springfield look-alike, while friends said my dad looked like john mellencamp, (known as johnny cougar back in the 80's.) my dad definetly knew how to look brooding......

isn't this a beautiful photo of john mellencamp?

i sometimes like to look at recent photos of mellencamp to see how he's aging, and wonder if my dad were alive, if he'd still look like him. weird...... (i know that mellencamp is said to be stubborn and has a notorious bad temper as well as a kind heart, also like i remember my dad....)

mondegreens & a modern stone age family.....

a recent work conversation with the bathroom camera thief (BCT) :

BCT: this stupid song keeps going through my head ... 'my body lies over the ocean ... my body lies over the sea ... ' UMMMM ... aren't the proper words 'my BONNIE ... ' and WHY is THAT song in my head?

me: i was just about to say, "hey loony tunes, it's bonnie, not body!!!"

me: it's ok, do you remember that juice newton song.... "just call me angel of the morning"? the line "just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby" was something jennette thought was, "just brush my teeth before you leave me, baby"

BCT: OMG ... that is funny ... but now I am mad at you because now in my head it sounds like this ... "my body lies over the ocean, just brush my teeth before you leave me BONNIE ... "

now, i had a colossal mondegreen back in junior high. one that haunted me for years. i was hanging out with lisa r. and some cute boys from st. joe's. it was after school and we were watching the flintstones. everyone was singing along to the theme song and laughing.

"flintstones, meet the flintstones..... they're a mod-y go-dy family!!!!"

huh? what the hell did jen just sing???? (they all turned to look at me in confusion.)

i said, "you know! flintstones, meet the flintstones, they're a mod-y go-dy family!!!" and then i realized that mod-y go-dy might not be an actual word.

my face turned bright red and hot. i searched my mind for what the lyrics should be and came up blank. i'd been singing along with that theme song for years and never stopped to think what the hell mod-y go-dy might mean!

at this point it was like the shower scene in 'carrie', except no one was throwing maxi pads at me. they were just laughing so hard that they were crying. and for the rest of that school year, my nickname was mod-y go-dy.

and finally, the great candy debate:
we've been eating runts at work. obviously the banana flavored ones are easy to identify. and BCT figured out the other yellow ones are pineapple. but what about the pink heart shaped ones? are they human heart flavored? just curious....

February 26, 2008

our kitchen...

this is my favorite room in the entire house.


what kind of person would steal someone's camera, take it into a restroom, and take a bunch of pics of themselves??? i mean, what kind of lunatic would do such a thing?????