February 27, 2008

mondegreens & a modern stone age family.....

a recent work conversation with the bathroom camera thief (BCT) :

BCT: this stupid song keeps going through my head ... 'my body lies over the ocean ... my body lies over the sea ... ' UMMMM ... aren't the proper words 'my BONNIE ... ' and WHY is THAT song in my head?

me: i was just about to say, "hey loony tunes, it's bonnie, not body!!!"

me: it's ok, do you remember that juice newton song.... "just call me angel of the morning"? the line "just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby" was something jennette thought was, "just brush my teeth before you leave me, baby"

BCT: OMG ... that is funny ... but now I am mad at you because now in my head it sounds like this ... "my body lies over the ocean, just brush my teeth before you leave me BONNIE ... "

now, i had a colossal mondegreen back in junior high. one that haunted me for years. i was hanging out with lisa r. and some cute boys from st. joe's. it was after school and we were watching the flintstones. everyone was singing along to the theme song and laughing.

"flintstones, meet the flintstones..... they're a mod-y go-dy family!!!!"

huh? what the hell did jen just sing???? (they all turned to look at me in confusion.)

i said, "you know! flintstones, meet the flintstones, they're a mod-y go-dy family!!!" and then i realized that mod-y go-dy might not be an actual word.

my face turned bright red and hot. i searched my mind for what the lyrics should be and came up blank. i'd been singing along with that theme song for years and never stopped to think what the hell mod-y go-dy might mean!

at this point it was like the shower scene in 'carrie', except no one was throwing maxi pads at me. they were just laughing so hard that they were crying. and for the rest of that school year, my nickname was mod-y go-dy.

and finally, the great candy debate:
we've been eating runts at work. obviously the banana flavored ones are easy to identify. and BCT figured out the other yellow ones are pineapple. but what about the pink heart shaped ones? are they human heart flavored? just curious....


  1. wow..modern stone age...to mod-y go-dy....that's...quite a leap there.

  2. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I own recordings of the song "Why Don't Love You Love Me Like You Used To Do" by both Hank Williams, who wrote it, and Elvis Costello.

    I was lustily singing along to one of those recordings one day: "Why don't you love me like you used to do/How come you treat me like a one-eyed Jew?"

    My significant other did a double-take. "What the fuck did you just sing?"

    "Uh, how come you treat me like a one-eyed Jew." For that is what I thought Hank Williams had written. I found it completely plausible that to ol' Hank, being treated like a one-eyed Jew was one of the most depressing things he could imagine.

    "Try worn-out shoe," Significant Other sneered.

    Which of course is what Hank had actually written.

    That is the precise moment when SO realized she'd made a terrible mistake by ever agreeing to go out with me.

  3. Anonymous12:43 PM

    "just brush my teeth before you leave me, baby" LMAO!!

  4. anthony- your ex didn't know how good she had with you! if she treated you like a one-eyed jew, it's good she's gone~! (LOL!)

    another set of lyrics i thought jennette misheard was the cars, "let the good times roll". she quoted the line, "let me brush your rock-n-roll hair" and i said that couldn't possible be the right lyrics.

    sadly, she was correct. it's almost as bad as 'tom sawyer" by rush!

  5. They're STRAWBERRIES, duh!

    Ana and Henry actually have a Runts Fued going. Henry stole hers from her Christmas Stocking, and she brings it up constantly. He tried to placate her with a handful of Coffee Nips, but she has not forgiven him yet.

  6. human hearts taste like strawberry? weird!

    also, i knowing both henry and ana, i have to say i'm scared for henry! LOL!!! that little girl is a spitfire if there ever was one. :)

  7. Anonymous8:09 PM

    "chug-a-lug" you're driving me mad, you're makin' me cra---zy!

    Yeah, I was an ADULT by the time I realized it was "Jungle Love"

    A good friend of my cousin Andy once sang, "Hey there Rodrigo" as the first line of "Brown Eyed Girl"!
