February 29, 2008

fat birds

i'm about to upload some great snow & ice pics to my photo blog, as well as more pics of the big fat robins we saw perched in the tree outside of our office. they looked like big round globes with feathers!

i came to a very important revelation yesterday: i do not like sushi. i've tried eating it over the years, and have sometimes not hated it, but it's been forced. yesterday i got some sushi from wild oats (or is it called whole oats? or wild boats???) anyways, i got fresh sushi from the hippie grocery, and hated it. BCT tried a piece and proclaimed it to be good. it finally hit me, that no matter how hard i try, i just don't like sushi. i've come to terms with this, and hope everyone else in my life can accept this. maybe monica robins will want to come do an interview with me about this stunning revelation! (click the sushi link above....it's totally worth your time!)

random jennette fact: she's a smart ass. see above left for proof.

now it's time for lots of random pics, including some ducks we saw sleeping in the snow, griffin playing with my crazy expensive MBT shoe, dan looking crabby, my bad nail job. you know, the usual........

1 comment:

  1. those geese are meaner than a junk yard dog and leave behind a slimmy green poop trail...ick! Always walk ahead....
