January 19, 2006

quote of the day: "enjoy every sandwich" -warren zevon

that's the advice warren zevon gave on the letterman show, right before he died of cancer. i think it's swell advice....

i am real crabby today. my back is killing me and work is annoying. i shall google for the proper image!


  1. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Sorry you are cranky, sunshine. You know what would help? A nice big Boo, I wish I was there to scare you, but I am busy looking busy.
    I love today's quote!!(as you can tell by the size of my ass.) However, I do have to mention, since you skipped yesterday, it's not actually a quote of the day. Sigh.
    Since you are on and off the coffee, on and off the quote, on and off the midget sex, etc., maybe you could pick 1 real thing, and totally committ to it. Like, I will never shave a goat while wearing a Donna Summer wig, in a bowl of tuna fish. That is only an example. Something you really won't do.
    At some point, I think you need to have a glittergirl blog party, for everyone who reads your blog. Some of the people seem very funny, and I could try to behave. Also (to really sucker you in) we could all get matching pink sparkly shirts for the occassion. Just a thought.

  2. holy shit! a blog party is a great idea!!!! everyone in pink and sparkly outfits.....i'd serve diet ginger ale & tapioca pudding. and griffin could sit in your lap the entire time!!!

    btw- midget sex???? is that referring to my own short stature? because sex with a midget is not going to happen! they are on my list of things that frighten me!!!

    1. clowns
    2. bees
    3. robots
    4. the blind
    5. midgets

    as anyone knows, midgets are not to be trusted!!!!

    (ah, another so NOT-PC post....thank UC freak!)

  3. Anonymous1:18 PM

    That would also be another great list. Lists of things that frighten your readers.
    1. birds/bats
    2. the serial killer that always hides in my house and is waiting for me (I try to have at least 1 major plot point in my life at all times, so I am the one who lives)
    3. normalcy (I accidentally fall thru the rabbit hole to suburbia)
    4. melonheads with blond hair and big melon eyes
    5. untrained dogs

  4. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Too bad your cranky....but SUCK IT UP!!!!! Hey we could wear Gem Sweaters to the BLog Party.....and uc freak doesn't have to behave at all.....

  5. UC freak is a bad apple.....you better watch out for that one.

    seriously, i am going to start buying gem sweaters at the thrift store. this party is gonna kick ass!

  6. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I could wear my pink, sparkly fairy wings and the crazy pink go-go girl wig!!!!! Oh sweet mother of pearl...WHEN?! I'll bring a jello mold....

  7. FURNITURE, I DRAW A HEART on your CAR!!!!!!!

    I'll bring George Frickin Bricker.

    Tell Maggs she is not allowed to bring Jello with Meat. And explain to her why Jello with meat is wrong.

  8. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Ah, man. I don't get to have any fun. Now what the hell am I supposed to do with this pile of jello and meat?!

  9. It makes a lovely hair conditioner.
