January 19, 2006

there goes my hero....
"Frederick Exley, a native of Watertown, New York, is best known as the author of an obscure but highly regarded book, A Fan's Notes, originally published by Harper & Row in 1968. Not quite a novel and not quite a memoir (Exley suggested it be referred to as "a fictionalized autobiography"), A Fan's Notes is a sardonic account of mental illness, alcoholism, and failure to measure up to the American dream -- as well as the black hole of sports fandom."

as i looked up good old exley on wiki, it occured to me that a huge portion of my list of favorite writers and musicians is littered with alcoholics, curmudgeons and misfits. i love the underdog, the iconoclast, the tragic train wrecks. check this list out:
  • **bukowski
  • **hunter s. thompson
  • *tom waits
  • *james frey
  • *steve mcqueen
  • **kurt cobain
  • **dorothy parker
  • andy kaufman
  • amy & david sedaris
  • janeane garafalo
  • woody allen
  • harvey pekar
  • david letterman
  • elvis costello
  • bill murray
  • **john cassavettes
  • **dian arbus
  • r.w. emmerson
  • sara silverman
  • e.e. cummings
  • **hemmingway, **fitzgerald, & gertrude stein (sorry, i have a soft spot for those "lost generation" writers.....)
  • andy warhol, *brigid berlin, **edie sedwick, (soft spot for the early factory days)
  • *william s. burroughs, **jack kerouac (yes, i have a soft spot for the beat generation as well!)
  • *billy joel
  • j.d. salinger
  • *dian fossey
  • joni mitchell
  • charles schulz
  • **bill hicks
  • margaret cho
  • *carson mccullers

* denotes substance abuse problems (past and/or present)
**suicide or death from substance abuse problems

2nd quote of the day: "show me a hero and i'll write you a tragedy." ~ f. scott fitzgerald


  1. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Charles Schultz? Because of his passion for the big-headed figure?

  2. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Some other depressed writers were:
    Willaim Styron
    Tennessee Williams
    Ernest Hemingway
    f Scott Fitzgerald
    William Faulkner
    Eugene O'Neill
    Thomas Wolfe
    Dorothy Parker
    Dylan Thomas
    Carson McCullers

  3. yes, charles schulz because i am charlie brown! and you, UC freak, are my lucy van pelt!

    thanks for the depressing list mom! i added carson mccullers to my original list. she's definetly one of my favorite depressed alcoholic authors!

  4. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Oh, forgot to much, Hemingway SUCKS!!!!!!!!

  5. you forgot to much?

    someone needs a little remedial english!
