November 10, 2012


beautiful downtown skies 

my little cubicle 

creepy parking garage 

 neon sign outside the tiny little diner

xmas tree going up outside starbucks 

parking garage friend showing off her obama coat 

old boots left outside the diner for days 

so i'm loving the new job.  i really REALLY lucked out in landing at such an amazing company.  the people are just incredibly nice.  and not in a boring way.  they're funny & bright, and kind.  they go out of their way to introduce themselves, shake my hand, and even a few hugs.  they truly embrace the "work hard, play hard" motto.

a most welcoming environment.  and here's part of the company's core values:

  • Embrace Positive Change 
  • Be adventurous, creative and open-minded 
  • Strive for continuous improvement
  • Pursue growth and learning

so yeah, a really amazing place.

i love being back downtown, and right by the starbucks i used to go to back in my E&Y days.  i'm also getting a kick out of having my own desk, a phone, and business cards.  after years of being a contractor and sitting in closets, it's a welcome change.

next week should be fun.  the sales people will be in town, there's a potluck and "office olympics".  events include:

  • Waste Can Basketball  
  • Paper Coffee Cup Stack 'Em 
  • Post-It Note Fencing 
  • Paper Airplane Flying 
  • Coffee Mug Power Walk 
  • Stare Down Your Coworker 
  • Dry Erase Darts 
the people are great, i have a desk, but most importantly, it's a job i love.  i get to figure out how to bring QA to the process.  i'm the first!  and they're giving me all kinds of leeway to do things in a new way.  or an old way.  whatever makes sense and works.  that kind of freedom is what makes me excited to go to work these last 2 weeks.

the developers are following agile, specifically scrum with a kanban board and everything.  i know, it's geek talk, but exciting to me.  it's just great to start a job with a healthy amount of pressure, knowing it's going to be hard, but that i can totally handle it.  

ok, enough jabbering, time to go enjoy the weekend!


  1. Love the pics, sounds like a nice place to work...make sure its not a religious cult, they like to rope you in...LOL

  2. oh, i'd totally drink the koolaid!
