November 6, 2012

ramble on...

i wonder if anyone reads this blog besides my mom.  i've got the insomnia so i'm going to make my blog look really... different.

it's 3am.  i made a sardine & avocado sandwich.  but the sardines were too strong & fishy.  i gave the dogs each a little sardine and i think it blew their minds.

i'll go swim at 5am.  deep water running, then the sauna.  then to eat-n-park for my egg white omelet with turkey sausage.  then starbucks for a vent quad skinny cinnamon dolce latte with 2 splenda.

i'm trying to eat all the "super foods" and healthy stuff.  sardines, avocado, dark chocolate (tiny amounts), kale, eggbeaters, swiss chard, yams, beets, kombucha, green tea, apple cider vinegar, produce that's in season and produced locally, berries, chia seeds, red wine (too much), raw pumpkin seeds, tofu, all the brightly colored fruits & veggies.

i also have bacon once a week.  i had sushi for lunch one day and fat free bologna with mustard the next day.  i just try and live in the moment, make good choices, and find a balance in being mostly healthy.  90% super foods and 10% happy meals, pork rinds, and various junk.

i think the trick is to really pick the 10% carefully, and then enjoy the hell out of it.

ok, now for some random weird pics!


  1. opps, I meant know one reads this

  2. You were right the 1st time~! no...not know...

  3. i love ramble on...i smell a new regular feature. the pics (and your food choices) are enviable. i was obsessed with joscky fashion underwear as a pre-teen. oh, and i love the morphed pics. #4 and #5 are perfection. blog on, blogga!
