July 27, 2009

a shiner like a diamond....

my mom was in the ER last night. she tripped & fell and hurt her face, but she's ok now. my sister took her there & they didn't get home til 3am. i bossed her to send me a pic of her black eye for my blog.
this reminds me of the david sedaris short story about his sister amy, "a shiner like a diamond". one of my favorite stories!

here's an old favorite post about my crazy mom. and another one here.

as she told me just now, "they did a cat scan of my brain and didn't find anything!!!" he he he.....
get well glittermom!!!


  1. oh lordy...that looks painful :( Get better soon, mom!! :(

  2. Thanks....Gifts and money will be accepted.....Cash preferred....Its kind of weird having only 1 1/2 eyes...
