March 9, 2009

the GPS debate....

we're going to chicago soon. i'm getting nervous about directions, maps, etc.... we don't have a working laptop with wireless, and i've been wanting to get GPS. groundcat is not so sure we need it. copax offered to lend me his GPS and here's what i told him about past trips:

i think dan wants to dig out his 2000 compaq laptop that doesn't have wireless or anything, but did have a GPS type map installed on it in 2005. here's how it worked for bonnaroo in 2006, and subsequent trips to philly and amish country:

1. dan loads up heavy laptop into a backpack with necessary cords

2. dan boots up laptop and waits about 20 minutes for it to finish opening

3. dan curses at laptop repeatedly

4. dan opens GPS type software, and waits for satellites to connect (or something like that) and curses more

5. i suggest we buy GPS

6. dan explains how this is "still good!" and just because the map hasn't been updated since 2005, the basic directions are fine!

7. dan accidentally unplugs some part of the laptop and loses satellites

8. more cursing, etc......

9. dan remembers the setting to have directions spoken out loud on the computer in a creepy robot voice.

10. dan types in creepy things for the computer to say to me while i drive, like, "you're going 10 miles over the speed limit, dumb ass!" or "i will see your blood in the moonlight"....

11. we get to where we're going by a combination of printed directions and guess work, dan believes the GPS on his laptop got us there.

read about our trip to bonnaro in 2006 here, here and here. (that was quite a way to start dating!!!)


  1. OH yah I remember what a lovely time you had...what was it, one day you guys lasted? I say borrow Copax GPS...maybe Dan can figure how to make it talk bad...

  2. Anonymous7:41 PM

    in planning our new york trip we briefly considered driving and i said only if we got a GPS. i say either buy one (you can get them for just over $100) or borrow it from chris. duh.

  3. I say go with what you know...Dan's cursing.

  4. do the portable GPS devices tell you where Starbucks is? my laptop GPS does.

    Re #11: "ignorance is bliss" and it still gets us there!

  5. Uhh, just opening your eyes tells you where a Starbucks is. In fact, I think there's a Starbucks Kiosk inside the Starbucks by us...the one across the street from Starbucks.

  6. i love the starbucks, and believe there are never enough of them. there should be one on every corner!

    and i agree with dan on #11.

  7. Why, in my day, there was a Mapquest and a AAA Triptych and you liked it. And despite what those horror movies you fancy would have you believe, people drove here and there with a very small statistical frequency of being dragged into an inbred shack to be mated with and/or made into jerky,

    But ML rightly points out, the upside of being that statistical anomaly? The inbred cleaver shack will likely have its' own Starbucks counter.
