December 17, 2008

work drama

i was busy photographing some interesting signs at work:

left- this was posted in the women's restroom. who is on speaker phone in the bathroom???? right- so what exactly am i allowed to throw in the trash can at my desk?
then we got evacuated from the building due to a water main break.

left- look at the people downtown flipping out! right- things were so bad, some guy wore the ugliest plaid jacket ever!!! the HORROR!!!! (ok, maybe i'm being a little melodramatic.)

i did get some shots of actual flooding.

i felt so bad for this lady cop, having to wade out into a flood to put orange cones down.

on the way home i stopped for starbucks (of course) and also stopped at the clothing store nearby. i think i bought a shawl. it was called a "pashmina", but when i got it home, it looked like an old lady shawl:

although it looked quite fetching on cleo.
the end.


  1. quite a day, huh!

  2. Anonymous10:46 PM

    cool shawl. it suits both of you. my mom knitted me a pink shawl which, on billy, makes him look like mother teresa. cleo looks very teresa-y here too.

  3. Jennette would love that shawl...its a good regifter...

  4. i need a pink one!!!! i mean, cleo needs a pink one...yes....she looks lovely in pink....

    this shawl/ cape/ poncho/ pashmina was only like $10 at the avenue. go buy one for jennette!

  5. So, did you throw that recycle sign out like I did?

  6. i request sarah o post a picture of Billy in a pink shawl.

  7. How do you recycle a recycle sign? Where does it go?

  8. that plaid jacket is possibly the ugliest jacket ever. i hate those hoodies with crazy all over patterns. as mike said they are just a little "too urban" for me! LOL

  9. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Silly Jenny! If you throw away food items or containers at your desk, they will sit there for days and begin to fester and stink and cause ant infestations and whatnot. Therefore, these items should be thrown away in the break room where the trash is disposed of daily (I assume). The fear of stink and ants is precisely why I will not throw any food particles or containers away in my dorm room trash can that is taken out weekly and instead I throw these containers in the gigantic trashcans in the hallway that are changed daily by the creepy cleaning people that say hi to me when I'm half dressed walking to the shower at 6:00 am. Wow, that was quite a rant. I really am serious though.... lol. ttyl cya and bon voyage!

  10. I think SMag has a point...except, SMag, in the building Jen and I work in, substitute "ant infestation" with "cockroach infestation"
