December 16, 2008

a messy, rambling post with some good links...

if there were a song to accompany this blog post, it would be marc cohn's "life goes on". copax sent me the song months ago, and it's just lovely & sad. if you click here, i think the song might play... if that doesn't work, here's the lyrics.

here's a link to an amazing musician (bon iver) playing on letterman last week. gives me goosebumps. his debut album "for emma, forever ago" is so f'in beautiful and sad. stacy recommended the album to me on the same day groundcat was discovering it. (any recommendation by both of them is a bound to be decent!)

here's a link to a video i heard about on rover's morning glory. it is...hilarious and strange and horrible. it's just over the top special effects, cheesy guitar music, and a little "dead or alive" all mixed into one sounds, with witches, fairies and horses!!!

we watched videos of the cutest little black pug puppy over the weekend. click here to see my favorite. there are 6 more videos posted by the dogs owner. if i were in the same room as this dog, i'd steal it and bring it home in my purse. then i'd hug it and squeeze it and call it george...

here's a really funny news story about a guy who built his own robot girlfriend. it seems like he took a real doll (erin o'brien's story about these dolls is totally worth your time!) and just added some additional movements. it's ok, since the robot/doll is still a virgin! per the inventor/boyfriend, "Aiko is still a virgin, AND NO I do not sleep with her," though he admits that she "has sensors in her body including her private parts, and yes even down there." (giggle is stifled.)

i saw "WALL-E" this weekend and thought it was just lovely. who would have thought i might like a movie with robots and cockroaches. once again, i defer to ms. o'brien, who gave the movie the review i wish i'd written.

if you click only one link today, click here to see groundcat's new slideshow. it's really sweet and funny. i know i'm a little biased since it's my husband and our beloved dog caesar, but it just made my day.

and finally, i need to add a photo. i can't post a blog without some kind of photo! i'm going to use a pic david recently added to facebook. it's a studio portrait he did of me in 1993, for a class at OSU. my eyes look weird, and i had long hair.


  1. a freaky click-mania!

  2. Ana is obsessed with Wall-E. It's probably the first movie she ever sat entirely through in a theater.

    Sometimes in bed she'll call out to me, in the Eva voice, "Waaaalll-Eeeeee...." and I have to call back in the Wall-E voice, "Eeeeeee-Va....".

    Yes. We are weird.

  3. I'm very busy...I don't have time for all this clicking...

  4. i believe that you, my friend, have crazy eyes in that picture.

  5. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Ooooh.... I read the story about that robot girlfriend and the f'ing creeper that created her. This part of the news story is ALMOST worse than the whole sensor private part thing: "Aiko doesn't need holidays, food or rest, and will work almost 24 hours a day. She is the perfect woman." Again, I exclaim: Weirdo CREEPER!!!!! No wonder he hasn't found a woman. Maybe he said that comment about what a perfect woman was to his last girlfriend and she bitch slapped him, causing his horribly crooked glasses we see in the photographs today. Heh, I slay me. That is all.
