July 22, 2008

the theme today seems to be orange....

i called in sick with bad stomach problems. i did manage to get out & get my nails "did" and they match my car, which tickles me.

this is what comes up when i do a google image search for "tummy ache":


also, i updated my blog roll. it's now listing my "peeps & homies" in order of who updated most recently, and includes a little blurb. i like it.


  1. oh great...now there's even more blog pressure. thanks. you're awesome.

  2. glad to help!!!! LOL!

  3. I'm waiting for mine to hit rock bottom.

  4. well let's see. glittergirl youtube, that'll be updated pretty soon. carlo's blog - yeah, he'll throw an update sometime. glittergirl photo album - yep, should update soon. groundcat youtube - definately should update, glittergirl art gallery - hmm, that's gonna take a while I think. fragment girl - I haven't read that one before, so I can't give a good estimate.

    I think your chances of hitting "bottom" 3 are good, but getting the #1 spot might take some time.

  5. It's a waiting game.

  6. Listen, ass. If you'd link to my real blog, you might see that I update fairly regularly. What's this 8 months crap?


  7. nomy- where the heck is this "real blog"? i changed the link to the blog attached to this blogger account above, and it's been 11 months!

    send me the link to the real blog please.

