July 23, 2008

buy me stuff

there's a whole aisle at target full of pink crap!!!!!

i need these pink pigs. NEED them i say!!! and it's not something you can just buy yourself (i am editing this post after reading comments.)
it's something a boy needs to buy for you, or a mom. or maybe a guy you take to the grocery store, who talks loudly in the maxi pad aisle, then offers to buy you funny little dog statues, but let's you charge it on your husband's credit card. it's like raaaiiinnn on your wedding day!!!!!!!!!!
in other news:

the view from my window. it's stunning.
i'm excited to walk to lunch with mojito today. not only excited to take a walk with my old secret work friend, but i have talked him into getting lunch at HOB. i'm completely obsessed with the salad i got last week: "cumin grilled chicken tortilla salad with tomatoes, jicama, black olives and avocado ranch dressing". YES!!!!!!!!!! i don't know what jicama is, but YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also, has anyone looked an the robot monkey on my amazon wish list? talk about a perfect wedding gift!

photos sent via cracked blackberry by no free advertising, thanks!


  1. You were there...at the store they were being sold from...you took a picture of them without identifying the store or price....and you want us to buy them for you...

    Makes perfect sense to me! *opens his wallet*

  2. jicama is a mexican potato....where did all these spices come from, cumin,cilantra,etc...In my day we had salt,pepper and parsley..

  3. real time salad review:

    oh my god, i love this damn salad. jicama is my new best friend. there's got to be cilantro in here too...

    this is made from the tears of a pink unicorn, gazing at a sunset while someone strums an acoustic guitar.


  4. My mouth tastes like burning after eating this salad....I think they forgot to mention the jalapenos.

    It is very good, though. Now, all I need to do is try not to order this stupid thing every day.

  5. Oh, I ordered the same salad Glittergirl did. I figured if she obsessed over it, it had to be at least a little good.

  6. yeahhhh, that's not a safe assumption on any grounds, mojito

  7. Well, I took her word for it and it was very good. So, it worked out...this time.

    I still don't believe her that a Tall Cold Soy Macchiatto with one Shot of Vanilla Flavor, a dash of cinnamon, a slight splash of non-dairy creamer, a half splash of lime, and an ice cube is any good, though. That is the Monday if it's over 80 degrees Starbucks drink, isn't it?

  8. I try to stay away from all of that starbuckian nonsense.

  9. How do you think Mexico stays so thin??

    And, apparently, there are no jalapenos in the salad - I was hallucinating.
