May 18, 2008


stacy's blog is down for the moment, so i wanted to make sure her beautiful drawing of griffin was still online and available for all to see. here's the first drawing of griffin she made a few weeks ago as well. griffin is a super model!!!!


  1. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Banalitybitch, bore, bee. The blog has moved, but the printouts remain. Our employer has seen just a few. Wonder how some of the people she discusses on her trash page will react to some of the things she has posted about them? She lives in Bexley? Her son sounds like a juvenile delinquent and this smelly woman is blogging about her weight loss. Tell her to do her job and parent her children.

  2. no one is going to even understand that comment. "anonymous" is just some mean person that's been harassing stacy. well, not a "person" so much as a troll....

    (troll: a person who is deliberately inflammatory on the internet in order to provoke a vehement response from other users.)

    dear anonymous troll,
    i have a nifty little program installed on this blog that allows me to see the IP address of everyone who comes here. that means if i take about 20 minutes to dig around, i can see how you found this blog, your location (city and state) as well as the address of the computer you're trolling from.

    you're not worth 20 minutes of my time, so i'm gonna go back to ignoring you, like i learned to ignore the bully on the playground in elementary school.

  3. That is a REALLY pretty picture. Was it done on teh computer, or in charcoal and scanned?

  4. yeah, i just love that pic so much. i think she did it with ink, pen & paper, all old school!

  5. Just to clarify,

    My employer actually suspects that the person who printed those things out doesn't work there. And I wasn't disciplined. They actually did an IPO search and determined exactly where these comments came from. Next door in Bexley. Because if the person cyberstalking me were an employee, they would be disciplined. But a nutjob freak having a meltdown? That's for free.

    PS I smell wonderful!

  6. And Henry is a peach, still a peach. Has a hard time learning but my son is a peach!

  7. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Nice. I think you would be actually you would be very suprised to know how I became aware of your blog. Very suprised. First, I am perfectly fine - not having a meltdown. I asked my ex to leave(sorry to ruin your fantasy) and I am more than able to afford my apartment. The weight gain? Hmmm... Notice the short hair and when I told you I had other things to worry about than you? I am really amused that you have irritated someone at your job and somehow that is my fault

  8. Anonymous9:38 PM

    No not quite finished yet... I find it funny that I stalked you to this apartment. We were still friends when I moved here. Not a single one of my friends have contacted you. I never attacked you. Angela and Franklin (Neighbors) witnessed you come to my door and yell, at which point I came outside and we argued, what you fail to mention is that you held open my door and that is when I pushed you. Angela and her son have both stated they would are witnesses to your "manic and crazy actions" that day. I sent you emails to which you didn't respond? Really? Because I have five responses via email and four you put in my mailbox with your signaturea and one you mailed to my friend who supposedly sent you a letter. No one is stalking you, your creditors harassed me on my job and when I asked you to make them stop after I asked them to you left a shitty letter in my box. I ignored you. But, that is not the story youtell is it

  9. Anonymous10:03 PM

    According to you I was some sort parasite. Funny, how I was there for you when your mother,father, Gary, both Pauls, your sister, and Jennifer caused ou so much pain and grief. Yes, you friend Jennifer, the whiner whose makes $60,000 a year and still can't get her shit together. Isn't that how you described her? A mess? Someone who annoyed the hell out of you ans complained while you were struggling with our kids and you were tired of her a single person bitching about your life? Your sister who let you stay with her? Yes, the one who is "trailery" but with a good job and nice home in Hilliard. The sister who has a filthy home and family? Mary, oh yes Mary... The friend who is so self-righteous? And then there is me... The no good whore with the gullible boyfriend. Yes, you know damn well I never cheated on him and spent the last three tears being verbally, emotionally, and physically abused by him. I had a crush on someone and turned him down when he came on to me. Yes, little liar, I have the emails to prove it. I also have emails from the professor I stalked. lol. Funny how Dawn Miles from the OSU department of Black Studies emailed a request to speak at a graduate function - based on that professor's recomendation. I have that email too. I love the story of how I had a meltdown. If you heard banging - that would have been my two year old playing with pots and pans. Didn't do a dish that day. Saturday I was gone most of the day and Sunday from 10am -11pm I was in Springfield. As for the parking - wow, again with the fiction. I dented everyones car? Really? Everyone? I love how I think you had something to do with the neighbor complaining. You know darn well I park on the street most of the time to avoid you. I was prepared to ignore you and your stupidity. All of yoour whining about wanting me to leave you alone is an act. You know damn well I had given the landlord the $ for this place in April and my old landlord had already found new tenants. You were not a factor.

  10. Anonymous10:22 PM

    little miss bug eyes,
    if you are following stacy to a strangers blog to make comments, that my friend is stalking. if you are printing out pages from her blog to send to her employer, that is stalking. and crazy. seriously. crazy as bat shit.

  11. Anonymous10:23 PM

    BTW, my ex finds it very funny that you think I had a fit to make him move here. Oh, and he really loves how damn naive he is. Threw his sax did I? Hmmm... How is it that mostly everyone I know has read your blog (people who have known me for years) and they all think you are nuts? Why does Angela and her child think that you are "manic, drama queen, and always unhappy?" Must be my fault. You also fail to mention that at your last job all you did was bitch and moan, but somehow on your blog you "loved it." But then again, I'm a whore who never watched your child, never supported you, never did a damn thing for you (funny how I have a ton of emails and cards that say otherwise). Funny how when you scream and act like a jerk if someone calls you out they become "the big bad evil person picking on poor Stacy the martyr." I asked you in the last email I sent to at our last job to "go away, go in peace, but go." Somehow that turns into me stalking you. Why write a damn book on your friend's blog? Because you are a liar and cyberspace is an easy way to assume an alternate personality where you can create an alternate reality. I have asked you to leave me alone, several times, but you post a pic of my car with plates clearly visible, I gave copies of all of the crap you left in my mailbox, and sent to my friend to the police last fall. Now you are taunting me in front of my daughter? You're telling your children I am an ogre and a whore? I am receiving links to your blog (sent to the wrong address and given to me) WTF is wrong with you? Stacy, write what you want, but do not speak to me in front of my child, do not post my personal info, and stop trying to use me to fufill your persecuted victim fantasy. I am so damn tired of you and your lies. I have been nice, but I am done. Do you read that? Done. Back the fuck off or I will let the landlord know your poor me act is as fake as your blog. The post where you talk about her old lady shaky handwriting and her age? The pics of her property. The Bexley police are pretty sure she would not be amused. Jennifer, I am sure you are a nice person -sorry for this long comment, but you truly have no idea. From your weight loss and other personal issues you been ripped by this person whom you defend. Stacy - Go in peace, but go.

  12. Outed. Done. Mystery solved. Now go away.

  13. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Jnet? Is it. I think making up whole stories regarding someone stalking when that person asked you to go away is... Crazy. As Bat Shit. I think someone receiving an "anonymous" tip about a blog that trashes you is... Really fucking crazy. Gee... imagine, my grandma dies and I get that notice. Priceless. Imagine moving to a place, a month later having a friendship end, and then be told by the landlord and neighbors you're being painted as a stalker. Imagine being blamed for someone not getting a job, when you gave them a good reference. Craaazy. And, now try... Ready? To imagine why someone feels the need to come bang on my door (nicely ; ) and make nasy comments in front of children... Oh screw it, I'll be crazy, but the police, neighbors, last two employers, and pretty much everyone else in the whole universe who has seen her crazy ass letters and witnessed her behavior thinks I have handled her stupidity pretty well. Like the officer said, "Looks like she likes drama and is bored." Crazy. Crazy as Bat Shit. Nice meeting you Jnet. I have to go live my life now and ignore people who piss off their co-workers, neighbors, and act like idiots in front of children.

  14. Wow. For someone who is going to go live their life now, you seem to have spent A LOT of your life posting this ridiculous ramblings.

    Here's a can sign up for a blog for free. Why don't you go do that. Post your thoughts in your own little psychotic world and leave the rest of us here to play nice, ok?

    So, go take your dose of Lithium and step away from the comments board.

    We're all friends here and we don't take kindly to douchebaggery.

  15. Anonymous11:39 AM

    im not on lithium libre im on clozapine. clozapine with a c.

  16. Anonymous9:23 PM

    wow, I hope she is gone ...she scares me more than that pic of Carrot Top! This blog and SDS' blog were fun to read and I will miss SDS, but now I see why you had to stop. By the way, clozapine is an antipsychotic medication. Need I say more? Please don't say anything mean about me, I cry easily. Sladj

  17. I...ah...I saw the first specks of Napalm and I ran like hell.

    Now why wouldn't I want twelve more years of "friendship" like that?

    Everything she says is true!
