May 19, 2008

atypical, non-goofy post....

well, i am trying to not complain, so...... i won't talk about work. or the rotten salad i just got from arby's..... or..... the troll posting anonymous comments about my good friend.....dammit!!!!

ok, i need to employ some of those basic CBT tools i'm always reminding my friends to use. like, "keeping a diary of significant events and associated feelings, thoughts and behaviors; questioning and testing cognitions, assumptions, evaluations and beliefs that might be unhelpful and unrealistic; gradually facing activities which may have been avoided; and trying out new ways of behaving and reacting."

or maybe some REBT!!!! "one of the fundamental premises of REBT is that people, in most cases, do not merely get upset by unfortunate adversities, but also through how they construct their view of reality through their evaluative beliefs and philosophies about these adversities."
in other news- rachel sent me a horrible pic of carrot top that i'll make the photo for today's post. something to cheer me up!


  1. At the Gorge of Lu, the great waterfall plunges for thousands of feet, its spray visible for miles. In the churning waters below, no living creature can be seen.

    On day, K'ung Fu-tse was standing at a distance from the pool's edge, when he saw an old man being tossed about in the turbulent water. He called to his disciples, and together they ran to rescue the victim. But by the time they reached the water, the old man had climbed out onto the bank and was walking along, singing to himself.

    K'ung Fu-tse hurried up to him. "You would have to be a ghost to survive that," he said, "but you seem to be a man, instead. What secret power do you have?"

    "Nothing special," the old man replied. "I began to learn while very young, and grew up practicing it. Now I am certain of success. I go down with the water and come up with the water. I follow it and forget myself. I survive because I don't struggle against the water's superior power. That's all."

  2. what about ice cubes??? huh??? answer me that, copax!

    he he he.....

  3. ice cubes still have power, it's just at rest cause it's really really cold

  4. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Carrot Top is made of beef jerky too, just like Iggy Pop! Yuck, they were both made in the same beef jerky factory I bet...

  5. Carrot Top is made of Tofurky Jerky cause all his jerky ain't real meat!

  6. That picture just exemplifies why people harbor such hatred towards clowns.

  7. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I'm assuming (yeah, I used ASSUME) that you've seen this pic of CarROID Top on TMZ
