April 3, 2008

his name is ronnie....

here's the witch that was a b-day gift dan got from rachel that i stole, and ronnie the gnome. my mom gave me ronnie and said he should serve as a reminder for me to "keep my mouth shut sometimes." sweet!
i wish someone had told me this before my "year of drinking box wine" after weightloss surgery!!! LOL!
no word on what the explosion was on the freeway yesterday. it's strange, nothing on the news so far. i know what i saw, and heard! and an hour later rachel saw that traffic was still backed up and the on-ramps to the freeway in that area where blocked by police. i guess i'm used to being able to go online and find out any info i need in a matter of moments. i'm spoiled. but maybe it's a conspiracy!!!! that explosion was some kind of government nuclear testing, top secret. i was probably exposed to radiation... maybe that could explain my lack of eyebrows...
ok, my blog is boring. therefor i am boring. time to go work on some infernal spreadsheet from hell at my job. i like to say i'm working on the penske file.


  1. I guess box wine beats recycling all those bottles...and good luck with your Penske file...I think George already organized it...DId you hear Jerry flipped his car over?? but hes Jerry and hes ok...

  2. Anonymous9:53 PM

    It wasn't a continuation of the water break / falling in of the street to oblivion that happened yesterday by East 55th and Carnegie, was it?
