March 5, 2008

still sick with the ick....

i'm working from home today. they prefer i keep my germs to myself, i suppose.... although i doubt i am contagious anymore. the flu bug i caught started friday and seems to be finally winding down. my doc says it takes a few weeks to feel completely back to normal (or abnormal in my case.)

now i've got the secondary infections going on: upper respiratory infection, both ears infected, swollen glands, etc... blah blah blah.... suffice to say, i'm sick of being sick! but it's great to be able to work from home. i can't afford a bunch of unpaid sick days, and i have lots of work to do. so i'm on the couch in my PJs, doing actual work. not bad!

of course i have to fight griffin for my place on the couch. groundcat has been taking good care of me and even bought me a gift!

ok, time to kick griffin off the couch.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Wow, is that just the light reflecting on Griffin from your stained glass window? At first I thought, "Why did she Photoshop his eyebrows red and ear blue?" haha
