March 6, 2008

danny boy......

i spent some time yesterday photographing more skulls. we have so many in the house!!! i am going to add these skull pics to my regular photo blog in the next hour or so. and no matter what anyone says, jeff conaway is not going to be included!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and now......the best crabby boyfriend ever:
i've been planning on writing a gushing post about groundcat, otherwise known as dan, danny-boy, crabby chore guy, etc.... he's really taken good care of me while i've been sick with the ick. he did grocery shopping, took out the trash, and brought me my favorite soup & bread from panera bread. last night he went out and scraped the 3 inches of ice off my car and went and filled the gas tank!!!!! he's put up with my coughing and hacking and bursting into tears, and managed to make me laugh during the worst of it.

and now i read on the news, he's banned in bars!!!

how could you ban this song?????

p.s. sometimes he actually smiles, but don't tell anyone...


  1. awhh, shucks.

    (just wait til I get sick)

  2. Holy cow, I've been out for a week with the flu. This has been terrible and I've never felt so bad. What made it worse was my wife and son were both sick with it at the same time.

    Way to go for groundcat though. I turn into a grumpy bastard when I'm sick and I don't want anyone near me at all.

  3. yeah whitey, this flu has been one of the worst. so far groundcat hasn't caught it. thankfully, because he is a bit of a handful when he's sick. not like me, i'm the perfect patient. i do what i am told, take all my medicine, and NEVER complain. i'm kinda perfect!


  4. Um, we've all seen enogh photos of your crookedy toe to know otherwise!
