January 29, 2008

some random jabbering...

i'm trying to keep the blog light, not embedding videos or uploading large photos, so folks on dial-up don't get slow responses. so click here to watch a video of me and rachel actin' goofy on the iMac.

groundcat noticed that if you click the little map i added to my blog, you get taken to a large version of the map that includes a ton of ads for WLS! ironic! (it's like RAAIIN on your wedding day!)

my gmail is also doing something similar. when i open an email i get these actual ads:
  • WLS cheap in mexico
  • wedding planning (i think because i quote that dumb alanis morrisette song constantly)
  • "thin eyebrows growth treatment"
  • "breast feeding my husband"

i can't begin to imagine what kind of horrible things i am typing in emails to get that last ad..... i know i'm a horrible degenerate, but i didn't realize the degree to which i am hideous!!!! (i am reminded of that old HST quote.... "when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." god, i could spend all day on wikiquotes reading his stuff! ah...i miss the good doctor...)

ok, enough for now..... i'll leave you with a little HST advice he gave to a child of one of his close friends.

"Walk tall, kick ass, learn to speak Arabic, love music and never forget you come from a long line of truth seekers, lovers and warriors."


  1. Rachel is totally working the Little Orphan Annie Wig.

  2. I'm totally in a random jabbering kind of mood today. I guess it might be from reading 60 pages of the Tao of Pooh last night.

    sds, Rach was working all the wigs she had on that night. I have to admit, the short black wig was my favorite. I'm sure Jennifer's got pictures of her in it somewhere around here

  3. there are pics of rachel in all her wig glory over on my photo blog!

    copax- i am loving your new mellow/zen/tao vibe and i expect to see you blog about it soon.

    you just got bossed!
