January 29, 2008

a quick post concerning anonymous comments

dammit, this whole "having a job" thing is cutting into my blog time. especially now that i've got all this WLS stuff to get off my chest!

i have so much to write about. how i got fat, the diets i tried, my medical history, etc... where i made mistakes, and how i tried my best. again, it's just "my story"....

but i am loving all the comments, good and bad. i can handle it, so bring it on!!!

as far as the WLS ads go, someone at my surgeon's office approached me about it in 2002, and i took it as a huge compliment, so congrats if you're the lady on the swing! you look awesome.... and it's good to see people who had the surgery being open about it, whether they "failed" or succeeded.

and i love the dialog going on in comments about being overweight in this society. more interesting stuff to think about.

i tried really hard in telling my story to balance it all. to own the mistakes i made, as well as saying, "i tried my very best!"

i think the one thing i am trying to say is, "i tried my very best! now let me tell you how i failed. and let me tell you how, looking back, i think i could have been helped. ways the surgical program could have helped me, or ways my family could have intervened. ways we could have been better prepared for when it got bad."

but in the end, i take responsibility.

and know this: i am still thankful to the surgeons, and think the program i choose was one of the best in the country. my friends and family were a huge support to me during all of this as well. (my mom took care of me after surgery when i couldn't get in and out of bed or fix my meals. my sister listened to me blabber about the surgery for the entire year before i finally had it!)

ok, another meeting at work to attend. i am loving my new job and people here have been really kind when i tell them about this whole saga and why i needed a day off last week. ("um, hi new boss! i need a day off so a camera crew can come to my house and film me making a salad and talk about drinking box wine and gaining weight after surgery...is that ok?")

i've got a lot more to blab about, but keep the comments coming or emailing me. ask me anything, about my story, or how the blog works, or even how to start your own blog.

yeah, this was supposed to be a quick comment.... LOL!


  1. Anonymous3:47 PM

    "i tried really hard in telling my story to balance it all"

    oh jen, i love your ability to tell it like it is!!! that's just it it's your story and yours to tell. i'm glad to hear you say bring it on. (i got nervous)i think we all have something to say, having the courage to speak up and being honest with ourselves is the key~ thank you.

  2. I gotta pick out the same line seemeruthsee picked out.

    If you are open and honest about your story, then nobody has anything to "bring on" in my opinion. You're not preaching to anyone, you're not telling people what to do if they want to get involved in WLS. All you're doing is saying "This is my story. This is what happened. This is what I think I did wrong, and this is what I think I did right. If any of this can help someone going through a similar situation make their own choices, then it was worth the time and effort to do it."

  3. Anonymous4:39 PM

    chris, well said.

  4. i said this on some other post, or some other comment section, but i'd like to use my blog, for the moment, as almost a message board.

    i also want to be able to post the usual silly, weird, or bizzare stuff like i've done for almost 3 years. that's why i've worked on sorting posts by topic. i hope it helps.

    and so far, 99% of the feedback has been positive. but this is an incredibly complicated topic and people have strong feelings. i want to hear from all sides. i want to be called on my shit if i'm saying something wrong, or being too preachy and losing focus of telling "my story".

    this will die down in a few days or weeks, and i'll be back to posting about what i ate for lunch or pics of my boyfriend eating brussel sprouts or dogs in costumes...


  5. Anonymous8:34 PM

    OK....I've never "blogged" or posted before, but I just had to. I had WLS. I guess I am "successful" because I didn't gain my weight back. But, what makes one successful? I lost 82% of my excess weight, but I still want to lose 100%.

    The point, in my opinion, is that you are getting your story out there. I think it's VERY important that people who are considering the surgery understand that this is a life-long struggle, a daily struggle. I don't really care what people think about whether I had the surgery not (It doesn't bother me if people think I took the "easy" way, if they think that, they are ignorant). It does, however seem quite admirable to me and important that those who are considering the surgery know everything that may happen. So, I will watch the story, I am reading your blog and I applaud you for your courage in sharing your story out loud. I don't know what else to say, but i'll watch and I thank you, on behalf of those of us who are "successful" at the WLS process.

  6. new anonymous friend,

    first of all, congrats on the 82% weight loss!!!! i'm so happy when i hear about the folks who lost the weight and kept it off. it's why i still think the surgery is a wonderful tool.

    secondly, you made me cry! the good kind of tears though. it's just sp great to hear from someone who did well with the surgery, and also supports what i do. you're the first person to fall into this category!

    your comments make me think i'm at least getting my point across. that i am not bashing the surgery. or blaming anyone for my not-so-good results. just telling my story to help folks do better then i did.

    thanks again!

  7. Anonymous7:26 PM

    It's me again......the anonymous "success". You haven't heard anything positive from those of us who have kept our weight off? Then, I'm glad that I posted. And thank you for saying I am successful. Isn't it funny, how, after all this time (at least 5 years at this weight), I still look in the mirror and see a 364 pound person (210 pounds ago). I am always seeking out others who are struggling with the weight loss issue......whether he/she has been "successful" or not. I wish that these types of forums had been available when I had my surgery. But they weren't. You are an inspiration. Truly.

  8. howdy anonymous!

    let me clarify something: i have heard positive feedback from people who have had good results with the surgery. i just haven't heard anything from those folks concerning my decision to tell my story.

    that's why your comments mean a lot to me.

    it's easy for folks who went through similar experiences to mine to agree, that's natural. and i love hearing from them.

    but i also wanted to make sure and not alienate WLS folks who had good experiences with the surgery.

    i think sometimes those people are a little defensive. and i know why. the surgery is something few understand and a lot of people have harsh judgments about it.

    through all of my experience until today, i still think the surgery is wonderful. but i think some folks could construe what i am saying as "bashing" the surgery, or giving ammunition to those who do bash it.

    so again, thanks for coming around and commenting!

  9. Anonymous9:00 PM

    OK, me again........brutal honesty? I think the defensiveness is due to the insecurity. It is a daily struggle (literally) to eat right and exercise, and I mean daily. So, hearing that I am doing something easy, or that I have made the wrong decision,is not an option. I am commenting on your blog, as it seems to me that you are very careful NOT to bash the surgery. That, I admire. I admire that you are so open (spoken as only an anonymous poster can post---lol). I am going to watch the story and see how the surgery itself is portrayed. Please, let me know if this makes any sense. I am glad my comments mean a lot to you. I am very sincere in my gratitude to you for getting the story out there. I just worry about how the media will portray the story. That will be seen shortly.
