January 18, 2008

more randomish (& amish) then ever...

i haven't tried the new powder i got for my bday, but i am excited for my next rash!

can eating corn nuts give me a headache? and should this deter me from finishing the bag?

my new favorite work friend (the one also know as the bad influence for making me want to purchase $250 shoes) gave me the best advice for our dogs. we give them treats whenever they come in from outside, and they occasionally bite our finger tips. not on purpose, but they get excited, and their eyesite is not the best. she told me to give them treats with my palm flat and open. it seemed scary, but i tried it, and it worked like a charm! something so simple has really made a big difference. groundcat & i were both getting so frustrated with the dogs. it hurts when you get nipped!
now that i have a new "serious" blog, i can't think of anything serious to say! dammit to hell!

monday is the big day, when a camera crew arrives at our doorstep to film....god knows what. i haven't decided what to cook, which wig to wear! and what costumes should i put the dogs in???

this presidential candidate has the coolest name and the dumbest brain.

and finally, we still have a big ass tree on our barn. any amish readers out there who want to come pitch in and fix the old barn roof?

1 comment:

  1. Although I might not be able to fix your barn, I am willing to drink beer and tell you how you could/should fix it.
