January 17, 2008

i apologize in advance.....

click here to see one of the worst things i've ever put on my blog. horrible. i won't put an actual photo of the mutant puppy, because i don't want to have to look at it again! (fyi- it's a slideshow, so make sure to see all the awesome baby pics!)

and now, some random pics from the last week or so!

birthday fun, cleo is cute, more dogs, dan does dishes, griffin passed out again...


  1. That picture id Cleo is great! She looks very smart,as if you interrupted her intense and heartfelt schpiel on how to prevent lax FDA regulations resulting in fruit molds being imported to Eastern seaports ...

    She really cares about our citrus supply.

  2. cleo is very wise. she also has a goofy side that i am lucky to witness. just this morning she came in from outdoors and flung herself on the rug and rolled and flopped and snorted like crazy. i need to get this on video!

    she's funny and bossy, so we relate.

  3. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I think that the mutant puppy is what they call a "water pup" where the puppy suffers from severe edema (swelling, water retention) and usually dies soon after birth. :(
