November 4, 2007

sea monkeys and other stuff


  1. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Wow, look at the clouds! I love taking pictures of the sky. I love dramatic puffy clouds.

  2. Please explain the aluminum foil hat to us..

  3. david- yeah, i am always taking pics of the sky and clouds. as a kid i wanted to study clouds, but then found out a meteorologist has to study a lot of math in college, so i gave that dream up real quick.

    what's that kate bush song..."i'm cloudbusting now, daddy..."

    mom- the hat is testament to 2 things joe loves: free stuff and chipolte. they have a promotion every halloween, that if you come in with some kind of tinfoil costume, you get a free burito.

    sadly, there are no photos of lisa's tinfoil bustier...


  4. I believe Mike and JEnnette also got the free Buritos....

  5. Anonymous11:10 PM

    hell yeah, free burritos!!!
    we actually had no idea and were just going to buy burritos. some people gave us there foil on their way out though... nothing fancy, just foil bracelets but it got us free stuff!!!
