November 2, 2007

glittergirl: so i had to tell groundcat i signed up for a bridal registry
glittergirl: i didn't mean to do it!
glittergirl: i just wanted the catalog with my new cool plates
CopaX: how did you accidentally sign up for a bridal registry?!?
CopaX: god, you are such a moron!
glittergirl: i know!
glittergirl: well, "secret work friend" accidentally shaved his head!
glittergirl: stuff happens
CopaX: yeah, to morons!
glittergirl: i thought it was a wish list, like amazon
glittergirl: but for awesome plates
glittergirl: and it's cool to have my own "pattern" registered
glittergirl: i didn't notice the "bridal" thing until i was 1/2 way through!!!
(click here to buy me pfaltzgraff for my god damned b-day!)

glittergirl: did i tell you about our christmas card idea?
glittergirl: matching holiday sweater vests
glittergirl: he will shave his goatee into a mustache
CopaX: oh come on
glittergirl: i'll make it look like i have a tight old lady perm
glittergirl: we're gonna pose with the dogs in front of a fire or something
CopaX: as long as you do another picture on the inside of the "after"
glittergirl: exactly! on the inside of the card is the real photo. the dogs flipping out, him screaming at me, i'm sobbing and there are beer bottles on the floor
CopaX: there ya go
glittergirl: and a photo of us with a rose in a brandy snifter!!!!
glittergirl: oh, i got all kinds of good ideas....
CopaX: you need a photo of the two of you looking up at the upper left corner
CopaX: you know, like the old cheesy portraits!
glittergirl: yes!!!!
CopaX: god, I need to find one, but I don't know how to search for it
glittergirl: in front of a wagon wheel, looking to the upper left
CopaX: I can't find an example
CopaX: I need to see it
glittergirl ah....
glittergirl: ok, let me try to find an example
glittergirl: dammit
glittergirl: it's impossible
CopaX: no shit sherlock!
glittergirl: god, enough with the holding hands on the beach too
glittergirl: so many damn pics of that
glittergirl: we're gonna take one of us at the lake, in front of one of those signs warning about the “high fecal count and raw sewage” in the lake
CopaX: I've tried corny potraits, cheesy portraits, cheesy 70s portraits, bad family portraits, corny poses, cheesy poses, and nothing!
glittergirl here’s one:

glittergirl modern, but horrible
CopaX: gay
CopaX: here’s one:

CopaX: will someone get this old lady off of me?!
CopaX: (ok, turning off safe search was a BAD idea)
glittergirl: here’s another:

glittergirl: modern and disturbing
CopaX I found the motherload!
glittergirl: my god
glittergirl: i am laughing, stuttering
CopaX: 4th row

CopaX: first one looks like molestation in progress
glittergirl: YES!
CopaX: second one looks like Uncle Tank at the wrong family reunion LOL
glittergirl: LOL!!!
CopaX OOH!

glittergirl: i wanna be her when i grow up:

and i don't want to every see this guy in real life:

ok, i'm gonna go have nightmares now!


  1. That was so frustrating not being able to find anything at first, but thank the heavens we found the mother load. nothing else came close, I kept going through portrait studio photo galleries after that

  2. my word; someone should make a coffee table book! i'd buy one.

  3. That was the longest post I've ever seen...Isn't there enough bad photos of you two floating around?

  4. GOD HELP ME if anyone ever finds my bullet pictures... I wonder if I should hunt down the grade-school phtogropher and kill them just in case...

    New blog, MySpace sucks:
