November 29, 2007

more "illegal" bank pics

i snapped this pic right after the fake bank guard told me to stop taking pics

here's the reason i was taking pics, the creepiest santa ever

i love the view from the 15th floor..... this is the sunrise, around 8am


how the sea-monkeys began......

here's the ad i remember seeing in the back of comic books as a kid. look how the sea monkeys had crowns and lived in a castle! (it's a "bowlfull of happiness"!!!)

here's the kit we started with

anthony read the directions, then stirred them with a coffee stirrer!

then we waited and watched......

(then we ate some weird candy)

anthony liked to check them a lot, and monte stopped by to see how they were growing...

we kept watching and waiting....

more watching and waiting....

and then they arrived!

(i don't see any crowns, but they do have little horns...) more pics to follow!

work pics through the years........

here's our most recent group photo from today, 11/29/09

here's the first group shot from fall of 2005 (we're getting old!!!)

this one is from fall of 2006

this one from summer 2007 (i took the pic and missed being in the photo, which is always a good thing!)

click HERE, this website rules!!! it's "photo-sharing for pictures taken where you are not allowed to take them" and i just created an account. copax get credit for finding this website and i am just fascinated. it definitely appeals to my more subversive nature. and today i was presented with a golden opportunity!

i went down to the lobby to get cash from the bank machine outside the main huntington bank lobby. i brought my camera to try and get more pics of the creepy santa. the security guard came over and told me i wasn't allowed to take pics. i explained i was just photographing the xmas crap, and i'd been taking photos in the building for 2 years. click here for proof! he got snotty and said, "well, you're not allowed! go ask the bank security guard, he'll tell ya the same thing!" as he walked away, i lifted up my camera and snapped a photo of my reflection in the brass molding around the ATM, and then i giggled. i can't wait to go home and upload that photo to this new website!

i actually walked into the bank lobby (which is beautiful) and asked the guard if i could take a few pics of holiday stuff, and he said, "sure, just don't use the flash or take pics of employees!"

so that hallway, non-bank security guard can bite me!

November 28, 2007

random photos with no explanation, then random thoughts

tooth whitening was a waste of money and my teeth are still yellow. i give up.

one of the sea-monkeys is pregnant! there were 2 of them "attached" the other day and now one has a little egg sack. gross, but cool.

super babystar snacks and pokey sticks are good.

griffin loves dan., he got to wear his hat and tried to get into his guitar case.

starbucks makes an espresso machine to match my blender.

the end.

November 27, 2007

another sad goodbye......

gus passed away last night. here are some of my favorite pics of old guster........

hiding in his "nest" behind the bushes (when he didn't want to come back inside)

super handsome!

modeling the latest in patriotic fashion....

being sweet and jumping around like a pup

more handsome posing and playing wild with griffin

i liked to dress gus up wheneve he came down to hang out with me, dixie and griffin. (dixie had a huge crush on him...)

the dogs after their baths (which gus did not appreciate!)

gus liked to hang with the humans (i wish i had a photo of him and zak watching soccer together!)
big-headed handsome fella...

(it seems like we've lost so many beloved pets in the last year or so. i guess all we can do is remember how much we loved them and the good times. then we can go give the pets still with us a little extra affection.
and since everyone has been asking: gus died from bloat, the same thing that took my mother's dog maggie. you can read more about it at this link.)