November 27, 2007

another sad goodbye......

gus passed away last night. here are some of my favorite pics of old guster........

hiding in his "nest" behind the bushes (when he didn't want to come back inside)

super handsome!

modeling the latest in patriotic fashion....

being sweet and jumping around like a pup

more handsome posing and playing wild with griffin

i liked to dress gus up wheneve he came down to hang out with me, dixie and griffin. (dixie had a huge crush on him...)

the dogs after their baths (which gus did not appreciate!)

gus liked to hang with the humans (i wish i had a photo of him and zak watching soccer together!)
big-headed handsome fella...

(it seems like we've lost so many beloved pets in the last year or so. i guess all we can do is remember how much we loved them and the good times. then we can go give the pets still with us a little extra affection.
and since everyone has been asking: gus died from bloat, the same thing that took my mother's dog maggie. you can read more about it at this link.)


  1. Gus was the most non-dog you ever met..We always thought he was an alien...He had a good life and we will all miss him dearly..

  2. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Thank you Jennifer. I wanted to also do a blog post but I just couldn't. I 'll definitely miss Gus. He was my racing buddy. My sleep in buddy late buddy and just overall a great dog. He loved everyone and was excited to see any new faces. Although he was a spaz at time he was our spaz. I'm going to miss spoiling that old stupid dog. Bye Gus. :(

  3. i was happy to give gus a proper send off on my blog. i've done it for my own dog (dixie) as well as for maggie, maubee, and many others. we don't do dog funerals, so i guess this takes its place.

    i was laughing (and crying) all morning going through my photos. seeing gus looking sleek, spazzing out, playing with dixie and griffin, was a great way to spend the morning. of course i should be working, instead of sobbing into my coffee.

  4. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Jennette and Mike. I'm so sorry about Gus. When I heard this morning I couldn't believe it. We're never ready for something like that to happen. You know I feel for you guys.

  5. I'm so sorry. Bloat is really painful and happens to a lot of the bigger herding type of dogs. I know you all did your best to make his life happy and great.

  6. It's hard to lose a pet. I lost my Jack this year, and it was devastating, even though we knew he was fading. I've posted the Rainbow Bridge before, and I don't know if it's helped anyone else or not, but if at least one person can be comforted by it, then it's worth my time posting it...

    "Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together…"

    I'm so very sorry for your loss. I didn't get to spend alot of time with Mr. Gus, but the time I did spend, he was a wonderful animal. Be comforted that he is at peace now.

  7. My heart is breaking, I'm loving the look of this awesome dog, and I'm sending that link to everyone I know.

    And I'm crying my eyes out. Damnit, dog stories always get me like no sad baby story ever could.

    My thoughts are with you Jennette and Mike.

  8. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Gus was such a handsome fellow. I remember first seeing the white patch on his chest and thinking, 'wow! he's related to our dogs Cleo and Caesar!'

  9. copax- dammit, that rainbow bridge poem kills me every time. and i am a total poetry snob, and know that it's a crap poem. but the idea behind it is just so lovely and i want it to be true.

    nomy- oh, you would have loved gus. and i am the same as you about dog stories. i had to stop watching "animal planet" because i'd weep openly at the rescue shows. they have a series of shows in different cities showing animal cops and how they rescue abused and neglected animals. it was the most agonizing thing i've ever watched.

    but again, i have to say that the pain we feel over the loss of our dogs and cats, is totally worth it. gus had a blast with jennette and mike these last few years. he got to go for rides in the car, walks, playtime with griffin and dixie, and he got spoiled.

    oh gosh, i am just remembering how he loved the car so much, that one time he jumped into the trunk of jennette's car. what a spaz!!! LOL!

  10. Anonymous10:00 PM

    thanks for posting this jennifer. i have some pics that have been on my desktop that i've been meaning to put on my blog for forever now but i just haven't been able to do it yet. maybe this weekend. that story about gus jumping in the trunk of my car still cracks me up! LMAO!!
    thanks to everyone for the nice words.

    and on a side note-
    i have to say that nomy might be my new favorite blog poster, she said nice things (she even posted a comment on mike's blog!), she picks on jennifer, and she even spelled my name right!!! plus, i hear she looks good in a turtleneck! :)

  11. Anonymous10:00 PM

    thanks for posting this jennifer. i have some pics that have been on my desktop that i've been meaning to put on my blog for forever now but i just haven't been able to do it yet. maybe this weekend. that story about gus jumping in the trunk of my car still cracks me up! LMAO!!
    thanks to everyone for the nice words.

    and on a side note-
    i have to say that nomy might be my new favorite blog poster, she said nice things (she even posted a comment on mike's blog!), she picks on jennifer, and she even spelled my name right!!! plus, i hear she looks good in a turtleneck! :)

  12. don't fall under the spell of nomy!!!! she's nothing but trouble. i've spent the last week photographing those seamonkeys at work and everything thinks i'm going crazy. i keep telling them, "i have to prove these damn things exist! my friend thinks i'm sitting around looking at bubbles!"
