September 5, 2007

today i'm grateful for having a digital camera to take cool pics of crap i see. i am able to document all the stuff i find funny, interesting or creepy. then i blog about it. it's exciting for everyone!!!

look at this creepy moving truck i saw on the drive in to work. i don't know why, but i was disturbed by the image.

the michael myers bobble-head is now stalking the vintage halloween kids. more creepy!

"action shot" of groundcat ordering subway on the touch screen. the drive-thru touch screen is a miracle and makes me not hate technology so much.

he's confirming our final order, EXCITING!!!

more michael myers wacky fun!


  1. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Wow, I love the new "header graphic" for your blog. You need to just settle down now... I like it... keep it! The template is nice too. Don't change a thing, just focus on the blog log, baby... It's all about the contents, not the wrapper. Don't judge a book by its cover.... An apple never falls far from... Oh, you get the point (i.e. I'm being pointless!) WHEW, someone's meds just kicked in :o)

  2. thanks renny. new fall colors were in order.

  3. Anonymous11:14 AM

    you are so lucky you posted this. i was about to yell at your for bossing people to post things they are thankful then you didn't do it. oh boy, there would have been trouble my friend. bad f'ing trouble

  4. i love the Precious Moments Halloween Series!! We are GENIUS!

  5. The poor pumpkin head kids...They are in for it...That Mikey , he sure is something...Hey Reynolds is right for a change...I didn't even notice your new blog colors and header...See how important they are, or maybe I am just not observant...

  6. Anonymous1:37 PM

    yuck! Touch screens are nasty. Your touching what everyone else has been touching all day long....their "junk", scratching their butts, picking their noses and now you've just touched all that too! double yuck!

  7. they should give you the option to put on rubber gloves before using a touch screen...I think thats a God moving truck...their slogan being "Put your furniture in Gods hand for a safe delivery" and what doesn't fit in his hand gets dumped...

  8. the touch screen bothers you?

    what about the disgusting teenagers who are back there sneezing and touching your food with their grubby hands? you can peek back into those kitchens and find people not wearing rubber gloves all the time.

    not to mention any door knobs or elevator buttons you touch.

    also, germs don't live longer then a few seconds on any surface. duh!

  9. So you say....Move on...

  10. move on????? again??????

    since when is glittermom afraid of a little blog controversy?
