September 6, 2007

i've been thinking lately about work situations, and how people with children have an easier time taking days off.

i am "child free" by choice. i am never going to have a child, and will never be given maternity leave. if i call in because my dog is sick, some bosses don't approve of of it. if i have a job with good benefits, i end up not using them nearly as much as someone with 5 kids.

it's great that people have babies, i am happy for them. i just want things to be "fair" at work.

there's an article today on this very topic. click here to read.


  1. Jennifer.

    Where to begin? First I think it just depends on the person, but I've never used much sick or vacation time at jobs. Every job I've ever left paid out a big chunk of unused off time.

    Some people use their kids to be off, but so will singletons or Committeds W/O Kids when their parents or siblings age and become sick.

    And lastly, not to be mean but maternity leave is not rest. It's major painful recuperative shit, like having major surgery while taking care and feeding a little screaming thing 24 hours a day. And I do acknowledge that it's by choice, but so are some surgeries.

    It sounds like you have some dweebs at your work, and many workplaces have used a no-fault PL system that combines Vacation and Sick time. Everyone gets the same amount, and you don't get more unless it's under FMLA.

  2. I agree with sds..when I worked people with kids maybe took more time off but it wasn't free...they didn't get anymore time than anyone else for any other reason...Non kid people are just winers I say....

  3. ah, i was wondering what the working moms i know would have to say about this.

    i know most folks with kids don't take advantage. some do, some don't.

    i just know that bosses and co-workers are much more receptive to time being taken off when it's a sick kid verses a sick dog or a sick boyfriend.

    also, i know maternity leave is no picnic and involves a lot of physical healing after giving birth. i just wish more companies offered time off for people in other circumstances (like having a sick parent, or even needing "mental health" time off.)

    i do see improvements being made. it's just an interesting topic, and i guess a "hot button" topic for us all.

    the only thing i've encountered recently is the example of insurance coverage. a woman here is recently remarried with 5 kids total. the new husband and all kids are fully covered on her insurance.

    if i went fulltime here and got the same benefits as a "singleton", as of now there's no other compensation.

    some companies have something called "cafeteria" plans, where every gets to select what coverage they want. and if they don't have kids, they can select something like paid parking or health club memberships instead.

    interesting debate though. :)

  4. Your asking for trouble with this blog...I say move on....

  5. wow, my mom is upset by one of my blog posts. so this is what it takes to bother my mom? interesting....

  6. We were just talking about this at work yesterday!

    But let's not forget those smokers! They get several days a year with the constant cig breaks!

  7. Well, I've always considered it way easier to conceive a child than raise one (having three myself)...

    But as for time off work, I'm not sure it's a matter of fair verse not fair. My company covers partners just the same as they do spouses and children.

    With my children, I am legally responsible for what happens to them and if they get sick and don't get treated, I can end up in jail. If my wife refuses to go to the doctors and dies, I'm in no trouble.

    People like me take care of our children when they are sick becaue we love them and hate seeing them well. I honestly don't see why it's any different if your dog dies. I took a day off when Lilly got hit by a car and Jeff didn't say anything.

    But I'm sure dogs and cats are the same as kids to some people. If you don't have a pet or never have had a pet, it's hard to see them anything other than another producer of shit.

    But keep on blogging bossy gal, and don't worry about pissing your mom off. I'm sure if she wants, she can always get even by posting naked pictures of you in the bath tub, or pictures of you in some silly police officer outfit and pumps...

    We parents always have the best dirt on our children...

  8. Anonymous7:47 AM

    You just wanted to get Stacy and I up in a tizzy, didn't you?? I've had many moms in my practice lose their jobs because they missed too much work for good reasons (like their kid has asthma and day care won't take them when they are having their exacerbations) and I've even (yes, as a pediatrician) been made to feel guilty that I'm missing work (which has been rare) due to my daughter- I actually lied once and said I was sick instead of her. But you are right that it shouldn't be taken advantage of either. It is a tough one, but hopefully most people don't abuse it. Don't get me started on insurance, though- I feel every child should have insurance, even if their parents are stupid and lazy and don't fill out paperwork correctly. . . Ahh, guess I'll go to work now and write my excuses for parents missing work for their sick kids :)

  9. I also think that it would be impossible to calculate the cost a company incurs benefits wise for any single employee, whether it be someone with five kids or one employee with an inoperable brain tumor whose insurance costs drive up the group premium. The idea of benefits is that the workers in a company are a miniature community that strikes a delicate balance between merit rewards and egalitarian division of resources.

    I am someone who got threatened with a write up for calling off when their pet died, though. So I do think workplaces should totally recognize that.

  10. And I ain't mad at ya! :)

  11. Anonymous11:13 AM

    also as far as insurance coverage, the person with 5 kids will pay a hell of alot more. i know just adding a spouse my insurance about doubled.

  12. Are we done now...and yes I have some pictures of Glittergirl everyone might be interested in seeing...

  13. wow, very interesting comments! and i see where i was wrong or maybe a little too reactionary in my original post. this is complicated stuff!

    one good thing- glittermom does not know how to work a scanner, so no embarassing pics of me!

  14. Glittermom, I'd be happy to teach you the basics. These days it really is as simple as plugging it into the wall and then the pc.

    C'mon, Glittermom! We know you can do it!!!
