August 20, 2007

the little boy who hated cinnamon (a true story)
mike: they make pierogis at this place with sour cream, apples, and cinnamon
david: no way, that's not true!

yes, it's true..............


  1. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I'm in love with a cinnamon girl!
    I'm sorry I missed the fun yesterday. I was having my own fun with a U-haul, Wayne and JR. whoo hooooo!!! can you imagine!

  2. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Those pictures made me LMAO!

  3. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I look like a real mean ass in that first picture, like I'm thinking, "What the HELL is he talking about!?"

  4. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I look like I am thinking, "Why is he so upset about cinnamon on perogies?"
