August 20, 2007

i am currently addicted to the reruns of the andy griffith show. i am especially fascinated with goober's hat:

who actually wore such a hat and why? wikipedia mentions that it's a turned up beanie. and i seem to remember some old time cartoon character who wore one... maybe i should start wearing one of these and start a fashion trend!

in other news, i tried making strombolli for the first time in about 10 years, from memory. it turned out great! maybe i'll try it again for the next sunday dinner at our place.

and now it's time for a favorite family story..........................

my sister: the butter baby

did i ever tell ya the story about my little sister and her love of butter? when she was a baby, she'd try and steal it from the supper table. my mom had to hide it from her! i did a google search to find an image, and apprently they make a product now called "baby butter".... let's hope the folks against stem cell research don't find out about this! he he he....


  1. I believe Jughead in the Archie and Veronica comic books wore that beanie too.

  2. Anonymous12:50 PM

    That stromboli looks like the biggest burrito on earth! You should make J-net a butter stromboli, instead of meat and cheese and veggies, just put like 5 sticks of butter in there! I'm going to test out a new recipe tonight for my own dinner before unleashing it on the masses when I finally host a Sunday dinner. I mean, come to think of it, why is everyone driving from all over the West and near East sides of Cleveland all the way out to Mentor? Hmmm... we need to start a big blog fight about this one! Glittermom? Anything you would care to add?

  3. Hey I just go where the cookin's happening....You cook it and I will come...
