January 18, 2007

so very random.....

i am obsessed with making fruit smoothies. my secret recipe is provided in the images above. sometimes i substitute raspberries for strawberries, if i am feeling wacky! a few posts back you will see where i had my first attempt at making a smoothie explode all over the kitchen. can't remember if i mentioned my 2nd attempt, where i accidently left part of the blender lid in the blender (along with the above ingredients.) i only ran the blender a few seconds before i noticed, and the smoothie tasted fine (after dan fished out some plastic flakes.)

thursday night tv is good! well, i can't sit through "my name is earl". the blonde chick gets on my last nerve. but "the office" is awesome (i am watching right now and it's making me giggle and also feel very uncomfortable- the mark of good tv!) scrubs has jumped the shark (sadly) but "30 rock" kicks ass! please go watch it and make it popular and write letters so that it is not cancelled. well, that's a bit much. but give it a chance and check it out, if only for the "creepy NBC page" character.

i thought i had other stuff to say......

go watch this clip on youtube. it's the funniest thing i've seen in ages. for real.

1 comment:

  1. for some reason I think thats a plastic banana....
