January 15, 2007

i am an opinionated gal, but i try to keep my trap shut about things like politics or the war in the iraq. i have found that once people have their opinions (usually spoon fed to them by the media) that they rarely listen.

but i have to say how disturbed i am by the recent news out of iraq. they hung saddam and now 2 more of his "henchmen". the news today described how one of the men was accidentally decapitated when they hung him. you can read the gory details here.

i just find it odd that no one seems to be as horrified or disgusted as i am.

i finally found someone commenting on the brutality. check out ralph steadman's comments on the blog being run by hunter s. thompson's widow here. (it's my lazy way of letting someone else do the talking for me!)


  1. Jennifer, for me it isn't so much about the brutality, because under Saddam's rule stuff like that happenned every day with Saddam just uttering a word or signing a paper, no lenghty trials with government paid lawyers. If we had no involvement, the Shiites and other factions would have eventually toppled Saddam or his sons and been just as brutal in retalialtion without our money or involvement. And so this happens in any of a dozen countries where there are no oil reserves- little problems like Darfur and the AIDS pandemic falls into the Bono/Bob Geldolf arena of resonsibility apparently.

    My problem is we have sucked ourselves into being led by a pathological, ignorant President who has just as much blood on his hands as Saddam. We allowed the Shiites to make this government into a revenge entity. Our servicemen were largely promised a free education and instead are pressed into mass murdering more civilians than Saddam ever did, and that motherfucker Bush has the nerve to sit on TV talking about the sanctity of a goddamn blastocyte.

    I can't fathom when I see Bush stickers on cars. I challenge anyone to offer me a well reasoned explanation why they still have one. I do see the corners of them scratched away more and more often.

  2. yeah, i have thought about the horrible, brutal things saddam did, and for me, the "eye for an eye" thing never cuts it, and i am 100% against the death penalty.

    but i totally agree about the point about iraq being "oil rich", the soliders who signed up for what they thought was some hard work and a college degree (my friend's nephew was over there and he was part of the unit from OH that lost so many young men.)

    as far as bush goes, i keep going back to will ferrell's impression of him on SNL, playing with a ball of yarn like a distracted kitten.

    he's some combination of stupid and mean that i have never liked or trusted.
