August 26, 2006

summer's almost over......

we closed the pool up this week. and i've seen some leaves start to change colors, just a tiny bit. i love fall, so summer can kiss my ass!

p.s. zak has a new blog with tons of cool pics. i add the link to my list of peeps and homies.


  1. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I agree. I cannot stand summer. I do not like the heat. I love fall, then spring, and winter, but hate summer. I may have to start wintering in Cleveland and summering in northen Canada. I always thought it was a fat girl thing, because of the added insulation.

  2. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I hate summer and I hate winter...Love the fall...Where can I go?

  3. Oh I no longer hate summer. Can't even remember what humidity is since it doesn't exist here. Isn't it that awful feeling of stepping outside & feeling like you covered with a layer of grease? Ew. Nope, haven't had that since I moved to western Canada. Whooo hooo!

  4. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Fall is the best. It is when I engorge myself and pack on massive pounds before I have to sleep all winter.

    Plus, the colors are prettier and Summer is too damn hot anyways. Lots of critters mate in the fall... I need a good camcorder so I can catch some hot four-legged action!

  5. brother bear, i added your blog to my list of peeps and homies. i miss you! come visit us in bad old OH sometimes....
